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G4 Beta testing stories (SPOILERS)

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So the game is out there, and I guess we can talk about it.


I have tried a rebel Infiltrator who was built as a traditional glass cannon Agent until Chapter 5, but was still able to finish the game on Normal. Nothing very novel to report there: she snuck up on everything, and played all the tricks that used to work. I think her exploits played some role in motivating the Great Change. Jeff seemed perturbed to learn that she was able to slaughter Poryphra Ruins by exploiting walls and range.


Also a Loyalist Lifecrafter, who was nothing remarkable until he hit Camp Gamma and cashed in all his veteran Vlish for a single Wingbolt. That thing rocked; it took down practically anything with one shot, though I had to watch the ammo supply. Killing Monarch was an epic battle, and only barely successful. I think at this stage he was still on Torment. Later he dropped to Normal on instruction, and picked up a Kyshakk to start Chapter 4. He finished Chapter 4 with no trouble at all, picking up a Rotghroth along the way. He pumped Intelligence diligently, and before long had enough essence to put major buffs on his guys. This led to some silliness in the end game. His Rotghroths charged straight through the energy barriers and took out Akhari Blaze and Greta easily, without any help from the Shapers.


Finally a rebel Servile, who was mostly about Melee and Blessing but has picked up serious Mental Magic near the end of the game. He has just reached Quessa Uss, mostly without much trouble, but on Torment.


There were many good battles, but the most recent one that stands out for me was the Servile's campaign against Monarch. When he finally got to grips with Monarch, it was easy; but getting there was tough, because he had no essence pods. So he needed to reach Grosch Pits without using his buffs, to slay the Warped Creator. That took a lot of scouting and planning and nerve, crossing two tough zones to reach a third one.


The Servile was also able to kill all three Barrier Zone shapers, and the Forgotten One. But he could not cope at all well, on Torment, with the above-ground Barrier Zones.

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Running all my games on Torment to the bitter end.


I started out testing a Rebel Infiltratot (agent) with high mechanics (12) and leadership (7) up through roughly the demo part. He was starting to have some trouble in combat but it was gettiing fixed. Then Jeff wanted some more testing of Lifecrafters and creations so I stopped..


Also ran a pure pacifist Rebel Servile with a strenth boosted fyora to do all the fighting. Never used a weapon, crystal, or wand which made for a lot of money. I used dazed to stun the monsters and let the fyora fry everything out there. I really wanted to see how far I could go.


Ran a Rebel magic shaping Lifecrafter to the end. Had mechanics at 12 to get that Girdle of Genius from the trapped chest so I was always hurting for skill points. I used 2 strength raised artilas through to chapter 3 when I added 2 glaahks. Monarch was a tough fight since I had to stay near to heal my creations. Replaced the artilas with a wingbolt in chapter 4 and had fun. Lost the 2 glaahks in the duel in Quessa-Uss, but the gazer replacement was great. I used them until the end but since I was down to 2 essence pods I missed some areas. Almost destroyed all the Shapers in the "impossible" fight in the Northforge Warrens and found the glitch that partial victory meant you couldn't finish the game. Had some trouble with the expert area killing the southern sentinel so I replaced the wingbolt with a drakon and everything became simple.


To prove that It was possible to win even that fight impossible fight with an amoral fire shaping Lifecrafter. I helped the Shapers and turned around and betrayed the to help the Rebels. Running with first 3 fyoras and later 2 more roamers I breezed through. Adding 2 kyshakks in chapter 3 at Camp Gamma and a drayk for the fyoras and one roamer made the remaining game almost a cake walk.


At chapter 5 I split into two different games. The Rebel version had 2 drakons for more power and walked through the Poryphra ruins slaughtering everything. The expert area was trivial with my army. Then I went an killed everything in the Northforge Warrens.


The Shaper version used 3 cryodrayks instead of the drakons. So I got to kill Rebels instead and didn't need any help from the Shapers for the end. The kyshakks had over 1000 health before augmentation and essence armor at the end. You get to field an army with 22 intelligence for over 800 essence.


I'm trying an amoral Servile now and I'm fighting Monarch for the second time to see how to fulfill quests to get access to the most quests for Chapter 4.

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I too worked hard to slaughter the entire shaper camp at the Poryphyra Ruins and was able to whittle them all away bit by bit with my Trakovite-inclined Infiltrator who never made any creations until the Titan's Lair. I killed everyone but Miranda, who was impossible to kill as a singleton, especially considering she was accidentally summoning rodhizons instead of rothgroths at the time. Jeff was startled I'd been able to get that far and said he was subsequently beefing them all up, explaining the camp was supposed to be unbeatable. I got the weird experience of later meeting and fighting the same people in the final chapter I had already eliminated.


I was also able to kill off the entire Shaper party before they moved on the Drakons in the Shaping Halls. That also was not supposed to be possible to do, so they got beefed up as well. Heck, I didn't know any better. I bump into enemies, and I assume I'm meant to kill them.


I could not beat the Southern Sentinel in the Titan's Lair as the solo Infiltrator, despite her massive magical powers. So I bought the ability to make a couple rothgroths and that made it possible. Jeff made the Titan harder to beat, because I found an exploit that enabled me to trap it against a pillar.


I always thought, and continue to think, that Shaper Monarch is too easy and anticlimactic to kill for all the trouble it was to get to him.


I played about ten different games, four or five of them all the way through. I think you get to do more and get some better gear all in all as a pro-Shaper, but I'd have to test that out further. I was able to hit level 40 with at least a couple of my PC's in doing all possible tasks and being able to disarm all mines.



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Actually you can get to level 42 as a lifecrafter will half a dozen creations if you are willing to do quests for both sides. I found that with an army and being buffed that even the improved impossible fights are doable.


My gripe was that the southern sentinel takes a long time to kill unless you have drakons since they have twice the effective damage of other tier 5 creations against drakons. Cryodrayks also do well.


Playing off both sides allows you to find the weaknesses of the Shapers before you attack. Going in cold as a Rebel tends to result in many reloads.

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That southern sentinel, and numerous other bad monsters including the Titan, are a lot easier with judicious use of mental magic. Even one charm tends to put damage on the main boss, and draw multiple attacks away from you.


I was able to 'kill' but not kill Miranda in Poryphra Ruins in the Rotdhizon epoch. Actually, like Alwan she just ran away. I think it was on Torment, but maybe only Normal. It's hard to compare such exploits in beta, of course, because different characters rode the waves of beta changes differently.


When my earlier characters fought Monarch, he was pretty darn deadly. He used a Reaper baton in melee, for instance. He seems to have been nerfed now.

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I still haven't finished it.


I got sidelined right after 10.4.8 came out because the game crawled to a halt on my Intel Mac until the universal version came out. That took a good three weeks out of testing. I had finished chapter 3 and had just started chapter 4.


Until then my 'agent' had been kicking serious butt (the gruesome charm is great because you can offset its effects with augmentation and still have extra essence into the bargain). Then came 'the change'. I struggled to make it to Quess'Uss after that but as a singleton I just didn't have the staying power because my energy was depleted in 4 or 5 attacks (2-3 turns basically and I thought having 500 energy should be enough for anyone). To get through any meaningful fight I had to pop essence pods like candy and nibble away at everyone with frequent trips back to town. I pretty much gave up because it was so tedious and my character was messed up for the new balance.


I started up a lifecrafter and there I stand.

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I reran the Monarch fight as a servile and missle attacks are slow but sure way to kill him. I tried melee to speed it up and found that he repeatedly slowed me so the fight was a lot closer than usual.


My first lifecrafter barely finished the game because he used almost every essence pod up in chapters 3 and 4. I found the revisions to chapter 5 helpful since I could replay most of 4 and all of 5 and conserve essence pods to slowly let me play more of the game.


Mental spells are way more powerful than they used to be. Essence shackles when you can hit can slow even the Titan to barely an attack, Mass madness can switch most of your enemies over to your side and make fighting armies relatively painless.

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Spine Shield is really great. Wrack is a fantastic spell; a few of these really cut tough opponents down to size. I don't have a good feeling for when Dominate fades and Charm cuts in, but both Charm and Mass Madness can be great. So far I haven't found either to be a gamebreaker, though, because I maybe get one or two enemies; they just take the heat off. But since these are all-or-nothing attacks, mileage may vary widely. Essence Shackles is often valuable, but there are limits, because a lot of the tougher enemies re-haste themselves regularly.

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I took a missile shock trooper through the game. Good stuff. Hard hitting. I've taken a warrior through the game too, with both melee and missiles. And the occasional creation. I found battle creations to be invaluable for him, especially plated bugs. 10ap means 2 attacks a round, or attacking one target very far away.


Jeff I think was more than a little suprised when I sent him a save file of a true stealth servile. I had progressed quite a ways in to the game. Melee skills were ignored mostly. Leadership and Mech were pretty high. I had some blessing magic and a whole lot of mental magic. Even worse was the trail of bodies I had left behind. I think Jeff was wondering how I had pulled it off. After some beta changes, I recreated my servile, focused on stealth. Blessing magic, mental magic, and the odd bit of sharpshooting with a baton. To give you an idea of how strong this build can wind up being, I was able to clear all three barrier zones above and below. I was also able to slaughter the Polyphora Posse and slew every one of the infiltrators. I was also able to stand my ground and fight during the prison break.


Serviles are little monsters. They are dangerous and fun. Different. Not quite an Agent. I think the servile could be my new favourite class.

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Plus, critically, the rule that you can't move after casting a spell or attacking, even if you are hasted enough to have lots more AP still left. This means hit-and-run tactics, the staple of the old Agent, are history. You pretty much have to stand and fight.


(Actually, it's not quite that way. You can move after an attack if you have 5 or more AP left AND are moving in order to click on something. So hasted melee creations can hit non-adjacent targets in the same round.)


On the plus side, you can do an awful lot in your round, especially if you have a lot of AP, once you figure out how to get most bang for your AP buck. And melee is a much better option when you don't lose your attack while travelling, though of course this cuts both ways.


Shortly before all that, Jeff also prevented you from closing doors in the presence of enemies, so you can't exploit their inability to open them to kill them with impunity. All together, the great change was pretty great.

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In hasted mode under the new combat system you can attack, use 1 or 2 items at 3AP each and then attack again. So for instance you can daze, attack with a crystal or use a pod/spore, and attack anything that wasn't dazed. The retreating after an attack is still possible if you only use crystals but there aren't as many as in earlier games.


The old tactics still work but you need to modify them. Also batons were restored to their former deadliness so it's easy to do over 100 points in damage with moderate dexterity and missle weapons skill.

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There aren't a lot of boxes or corpses stashed conveniently around corners. And even then, enemies can chase you around the corner and still get you. So apart from teasing things out by lobbing icy crystals, you do pretty much have to stand and fight, at least for a round.

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Vlish, would you elaborate on your Stealth Servile? Namely, how much mental magic are you talking about...more than the 7 or 8 levels needed to get all spells,and if so, how much more. I had moderate success with basic levels of Charm and Mass Madness as an Infiltrator, but not enough to seriously help in battles by affecting the bigger badder boys. Sounds like high levels of Mental Magic could really wreak some havoc though.


What do you wind up killing with as a Stealth Servile? Baton? Get them to kill each other? Did you have any creations?



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No creations. I think mental magic was 9 or 10. Blessing magic was, hm, lower, but there are items to boost that. Well, I could have summoned creations. I really didn't bother with it much.


He was stealthy, but he had killed a great number of shapers. He may or may not sneak past creations, but he had it in for shapers. I'd scramble their creations brains, make them go rogue, and then run down the shaper like the vengeful little servile I was. Terror kept the masses away from me. I'd walk through an area in combat mode, hasted, and first sign of a monster, terror, daze, dominate, charm, whatever the situation demanded, and then run down and shoot anything that moved. From items alone I had enough battle magic to cast acid shower and the lightning aura spell. And essence orbs too. All from items. Mass Madness when you get it is very nice.


I especially liked the fight with the infiltrator in the servile cultist encampment. Every time he summoned something, I'd make it go rogue against him. Soon, he was overwhelmed.


To beat the snot out of the infiltrators, you need a submission baton and or a reaper baton if you can get one. Then you need some wrack, shackles, etc, and strong mental magic.


Mental magic is the KEY element in this game. More so than battle magic. There are some tough fights. Maintaining control is vital now, no joke. Since monsters can move more than they used to and still tag you, you must shut them down. Terror was probably my most used spell.


The ability to daze and then snipe at will with a baton while blessed and hasted will take you to nearly the endgame with no effort at all.

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Spine shield is great for attacking golems, glaahks, and rotgroths since they do more damage to themselves then you usually can.


Mental spells are the way to go. Get them all. Daze from the start and strong daze if you can get it from the Shapers in Chapter 3. Essence shackles with mental magic at 9 will slow down the Titan to almost a crawl. Mass madness or madness gems for the group fights. In Northforge Warrens I got almost everyone to fight on my side.


Even before Jeff made them more effective I used mass madness against the Southern Sentinel to convince his enslaved cryodrayks to come over and fight for me. The madness gem in Valeya Ruins got the Guardian's creations to mostly fight amongst themselves. Most monsters will first attack charmed ones ahead of you.

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Interesting, Vlish. I never used Terror once in all my games. I think I'm used to how boring or unuseful it was to use in A4, and this is the first Geneforge game I've played, so I'm not sure if it was useful before here. Daze and Mass Madness I used quite a bit as certain characters in my beta runs to good effect.


As Servile, were you able to beat the Southern Sentinel, the Titan, the Forgotten One, the Eyebeast and creations in the Windswept Farms, the nasty Drakon in the village northwest of Northforge (he drops a very tasty ring?) Anything you WEREN'T able to do or beat?


How much endurance, strength, and intelligence did you wind up putting into the Servile? Do you bother with much Spellcraft?



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I did clear the windswept farms. I did not do the optional area with this servile.


I don't remember exact stats. Maybe 8 strength at the end, with items. Int was, hrm, 10? Mech and leadership were both at base 10, higher with items. Spellcraft was raised a few times, I think after I bought training. He was a murderous little bastard.


And he was made before the revamping of the character classes where the servile started with four strength.


Had some melee, higher missile skills, a little bit of quick action and parry, but mostly from items.


In my prototype build, Jeff said my combat skills were gruesomely neglected. They looked that way, but with buffing abilities, I'd never miss.

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I tried Windswept Farms the easy way, squishing the frozen creations first. Last I checked, this was still possible if you slowed them, since then you could kill them before they had time to regenerate. But then with my Infiltrator I decided to fight fair, and I challenged Thora Eye in her (?) lair. This led to multiple waves of attacks by bad creations, which I survived by counter-attacking.


That is, I used the long counter along the east wall of Thora's hut as a wall, which allowed only one enemy at a time to reach me. If it was a Battle Beta, it was harmless, and I could just shoot the other things and let it flail away. If a Rotghroth got in there, that was a bit more trouble. But in any case this kept subsequent waves from entering the building until there was a clear route to me, so I could keep a Battle Beta alive there, attacking me futilely, while I rested between waves.

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For the Windswept Farm the first time I killed all but the rotgroths in stasis. Jeff made it harder after I told him that. For a lifecrafter I just plugged the door with high health creations and spine shielded them. It was easy to fire over my wall of bodies and sometimes the Eyebeast never got to flee.

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I remember early on in the beta I walked in to those Vlish infested woods.


Good grief.


In moments, I do mean moments, once the first few Vlish called for help, it was over. All my creations, toasted. Warrior, toasted. Went down hard and fast.


I am really glad that Jeff made changes to enemy Vlish. Still nasty, but not instantly fantastically lethal.


My servile got hosed to.


And the Doppleganger Vlish in Thornton. Oh cripes. I am glad that Jeff toned him down.


And the Hive Mind Vlish in the area with Trajkovite Dryak... Criminy!


All these new Vlish, still no Tasty Vlish. Jeff had better get it right by G5.

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I actually killed Mystithus before the nerf. It was no fun at all. I remember absorbing my entire lineup and trying a number of combinations. I no longer remember which one worked, but I think it was a combination of cryoas and roamers, most of which ended up as cannon fodder.


—Alorael, who wasn't quite sure what that fight was about other than showing an up and coming lifecrafter that throwing lizards around can't solve every problem. He enjoyed the tactical challenge, though, although his temporarily denuded scalp disagreed.

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I did Mystithus after the change as a Servile and I died the first time. The images scatter after the first time I did spray crystal to determine the real one. I used crystals to track down the image each round.


As a lifecrafter with 4 hasted creations it wasn't too bad in the changed form. I misses it the first time through as a pure Rebel since I couldn't keep fighting the other creations after one calls for help.


Did anyone else go all the way to the end of the Forsaken Lands Shaper Camp? I did after starting Chapter 5 with an army of creations. Finding out about the endless source of summoned and therefore no experience creations made me not even try to get out alive after I searched the whole area.

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EDIT: I'm using this accidental double-post to ask a separate question:


Can anyone make some comments on whether they think the Guardian Claymore which Shaftoe drops:


11-55 damage/+2 strength/+2 quick action/+2 strength of creations


is more worthwhile to use in the long run than the Oozing Sword which I had enhanced with Fire Damage (can you stack elemental damages on a weapon like this? I'm not sure it's working):


12-60 damage/+5% to hit chance/10% acid resistance/drips acid.



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I've been as far as the field projectors in the south. How much more and what is in beyond there? I was going to go check it out and clean it out later in this game myself, since I never remembered to do it before. I'm also tempted to see how far I can go clearing out the shaper camp in the west swamp in Burwood Province.


Meanwhile, as a Servile who travels mostly solo, but who can now summon one Kyshakk or some Drayks to his aid, I just figured out a right balance of playing both sides to get into the Gamma Shaper camp in the Fens. I gave the Heart of the Kiln to Mouawad in Rivergate Keep to get the coveted Skein of Wisdom (+1 Intelligence) but killed Moseh to appease the Rebels, since I was already doing more for the Shapers, having turned in the rebel caravan.


This gave me access to both camps and both magic trainers...the Shapers are slightly expensive to me and the Rebels are expensive at this point...not bad. It gives me both Drayks and Kyshakks early in Chapter 3. I was able to take out the pesky slowing Soulreaper Twins in the Sandros Mine with my Servile and one Kyshakk. When I can bump up Intelligence to get a Drayk and Kyshakk, I'll take on the golem in the mine. The golem always seems harder than the Forgotten One to me. My Servile just got Strong Daze and Dominate. Nice, except Dominate isn't working on summoned foes too well (not on Ur-Glaaks or the guardian golems that Shaftoe summons...well, the very first time I charmed it, but never again after that first time.


I'm at level 30 here 3/5 through the game. I need more Intelligence and Mental Magic at this point. I have insane strength and infiltrator capabilities due to all my bonus gear.


What are others playing as right now and how is it going?



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Keep crossing with you Synergy


The Forsaken Lands Shaper Camp has a hut just past the electrified field on the north side with the spore box controls. Then there are four more huts with a few items like healing spores and other things that are of much value by the time you can get to them. Next is a minefield with a trigger that I couldn't disarm but I did survive buffed with augmentation, essence armor, steel skin, and protection. There are more troops with some agents, guardians, and shapers in a larger compound. There are 4 shaping platforms that provide an endless stream of kyshakks, war tralls, rodhizons (?), and I think it was wingbolt. There are 4 essence pods back here. You only get experience for the troops.


The best thing is to buff and attack the troops as they pass the electrified field. Then run when their numbers increase. Pop out to Southforge Citadel and back to loot and fight over again.


The Western Morass is a hit and run operation in Burwood. As a lifecrafter I had enough creations to kill everyone after a few trips. The west end has two shaping platforms that create vlish, but you can station creations to kill them while you explore after you kill the Shaper forces. Every time you return there will be some new guards that appear at the entrance.


You need to clear it to be able to find the entrance to Matala's Workshop along the north side following a path along the northeast corner. There is the recipe for the Girdle of Succor and the blademaster charm locked away so you need to fight the Golem.


Running a 35th level servile after Chapter 3 and killing Shaftoe. I went back and found that if you repair Moseh you still get the quests for Shaftoe and Eliza and the agate stone for the Eastern Rise. Then you can do the Rebel quest in Chapter 3 and still get the Shaper missions for Chapter 4. I tried to do the Soul twins by myself and kept getting slowed too much. The golem I found will key on the nearest creation so if you spine shield it with the usual buffs then keep healing with major heal and essence shackle the golem it should be doable.


When I did the Breeding Pit against the Unbound I sent my highest health creation to fight it and hung back healing.


Doing Jared's Wrecked Labs quest cuts his prices so I only bought the strong daze and other spells that he doesn't sell. The creations are better in the Shaper Camp for this point in the game except you can't get the barred drayk.

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This is fun. I've been waiting to talk about this game for months. And it is so much more fun to replay than A4 was.


I was wondering about what to attempt with Moseh, because the word was that killing Moseh after repairing him seems impossible. Has anyone succeeded in doing so? I'd love to do the bunkers all pro-Shaper initially, and then go back and kill them all for the rebels, heh.


I had forgotten about the Guardian Stone reward from the Shapers. I am constructing a list of rewards for tasks. Maybe I'll get it going so others can contribute to it. I also have lists of all canister locations, and most significant item locations. They are written now, rather than typed though. Also got a list of charms going too. I was able to wind up with three Mental Focus Charms in one game by making two on the forge and finding one other.



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I did Chapter 3 as a Servile without recruiting anything but the 3 Servile Techs when I went into Northern Grosch to kill Monarch. The mines are worth almost a full level. The downside was that I got almost no experience killing the remaining creations in the Fens afterwards.


I went through the Bunkers helping out the Shapers. Once you kill Moseh or any of the others the remainder turn hostile. I tried repairing Moseh as a lifecrafter, collected the reward in Rivergate Keep, and went back to kill him. I got him surrounded by his hostile summoned fyoras and roamers in hasted bless mode. Over 400 points of damage a round for about 10 rounds and he wouldn't die. I know that Eliza is harder to kill after Moseh is repaired but she and Shaftoe are killable.


You get one mental health charm from Greta for killing Monarch and getting the papers. I don't like forging them because the madness gem is useful and hard to make.

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Well - I figured out one other aspect of 'the change' that killed my first character. Experience. I seem to remember a lot of tweaks to that.


Playing through as a lifecrafter from the beginning I'm already up to level 23 and I've just hit the Fens. My original 'agent' was at Quess-Uss and level 25. No wonder it was treating me so badly. Looks like the experience tweaks really accelerated advancement (especially since my lifecrafter typically has three creations and the 'agent' was always solo.)


So, what sort of levels were people when they hit Chapter 4 or Quess-Uss or thereabouts?

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I think my servile doing almost all the quests is 34 when he finishes Chapter 3. My lifecrafter with 4 creations was about 32 at the same point.


By the time my lifecrafter reaches Quessa-Uss he is 38. The experience tweaks add about 10-15% more experience.


*grumble* 37th level in Burwood and I get no experience for most of my kills. I'm going to have to slaughter Western Morass just to make another level.

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