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It would be great to have a creation storage function. What if you could only have one or two creations at a time, but store an infinite amount?


The issue is with playing a Shaper. I have to create and then destroy my poor creations before they get far because I keep upping my skills or learning new creations. Or I get access to a new creation, but my little fyora is more powerful than that cute cryoa, because I've had it so long.


If this was implemented, each Creation should level up based on experience gained from it's battles relative to level, not my own. That way I can take a newbie back to an earlier area and get it some experience and bring it up to speed without unbalancing my own character.


It would be nice to create and store my creations, and call them back to suit the circumstances and give them a chance to evolve more.


Or what about evolution similar to what you see in Castlevania for the Playstation? You can evolve different creations in different ways, perhaps tripling the replay value of Geneforge...

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I stand by the lack of enemies to kill for experience in areas you've been through. I also think that having many low-level creations for all occasions still isn't as useful as a few powerful ones. There are still a few times where temporarily ditching creations might help, but nobody said being a shaper is easy.


—Alorael, who could have sworn he actually said something that made sense before. Really.

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Rather than storing an infinite amount, a better argument would be for one or two slots reserved for those special creations you have grown particularly attached to. After all, we must keep in mind those that are foolish enough to want to keep a creation around for sentimental value even after it has outlived its usefulness in battle rather than take the extra essence like a wise shaper.

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What you would need is a storage area similar to the early Avernum games where you could leave characters behind in order to free up a slot. This would be useful in the middle part of the game where you want to have 7 creations at a time and then leave one in order to recruit an NPC.

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Well, since in G4 you start as a rebel and rebels believe in creations' rights and all, would something like this not be suitable?

Or at least, as an idea, it should be so that as long as you'd want to be a rebel you wouldn't be allowed to absorb creations.

Then you'd need somewhere to store them, release them or you'd have to keep them till they are killed by enemies - coz sending them to the minefield would also be inhumane - or inservileane, or something, since i heard something about you can be a servile.

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- the Great Potato:


We're not going to call it Pokemon. There is no need to be rude.


- Pluto Alien:


I frequently leave plenty of enemies alive in many areas when it's worthless for me to even bother killing them, nor do I go through every single area in the game. I also never said being a Shaper was easy; I said it was more or less annoying to continue to grow in shaping power, but even my more powerful, newer creations couldn't compete with my older, supposedly less powerful ones. To me, it feels pointless to gain points in Fire Shaping after I've created all my little fyora/cryoas. My idea was to be able to store my older, powerful ones to help level up and evolve my newer ones to compete. Sometimes it's horrible that I can't hit an enemy with my maxed out Cryoa or my brand-new Dryak. And that Dryak won't gain anything if I go back to an earlier area because their XP is tied to mine.


- Randomizer:


Yes! Just like that - I got the idea from playing Castlevania on the Playstation; the evolution system for your Devils is unique and very powerul and adds a level of replaybility. You can go to Julie's shop and store in infinite number of I.D's, but you can only have one Innocent Devil at a time with you, and a limit on how many I.D's you can carry on you to summon. Obviously for Geneforge we might want, say 3 spots for summons, and you can roate between all of your creations that you're created and saved. As a professional IBM programmer, I can already see ways of implementing this.

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You should remember that you have your own playing style and that most of us play in the way described by Alorael (Pluto Alien). What you want implemented would require several different modifications to the game, and to me it seems that it can either be more interesting than useful or overly exploitable. The whole deal with creations in the game is to figure out how to manage XP, essence, and skill points in order to make the best creation.


Also, don't take offense to your idea being called pokemon. It was a joke and evolutions are very pokemon-esque.

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Yeah, I'm sure it would take a lot longer. Even as I ran through in my head possible ways of coding it I knew it would be difficult. It was merely a passing fancy of mine to change a few things. I've loved all the Geneforge games and play them all still. I just wished sometimes that things for creations could be a bit different...

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