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Sneaking past people (minor spoilers)[G5]


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More stealth equipment helps, but some areas that seem to indicate stealth just don't work for me either. On the other hand, sometimes random wandering patterns mean you can get lucky and get through with enough patience.


—Alorael, who isn't sure about either of those. He's never made it without creating a savage bloodbath.

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Click to reveal..
Go to the northwest corner and open the door and disarm the traps. Then in fight mode go from the bend in the passage around to the south. Do it slowly so if you see a servile you can retreat.


Nodye Pass


Click to reveal..
Go into fight mode and head south into the creation storage area. hug the east and then south walls. Watch for the patrol and retreat when they patrol south and go forward as they head back north.


Both places give you a free warning to get out, so you do have time to reach your destination before they go hostile. Getting out of sight counts as leaving. Nodye Pass it's better to start over, because you want that free chance on the way out.

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Ack! I confused Nodye Pass for somewhere else. That's definitely a place where a fixed wandering pattern with not quite fixed NPC placement means that you have to charge blindly and reload sometimes. I found it reasonable with one character, but trying to shepherd a pile of creations through the doorway without them wandering off or taking too long was a challenge.


—Alorael, who felt a bit more sympathy for all those poor, abused Keepers. It was also the second hardest type of mass movement challenge after trying not to get your creations fried in hot floor panel mazes.

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Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
If you don't mind cheating a bit (just pretend it's you listening to their footsteps) you can use the code 'showmeall.' It makes enemies show up on the map and it works great for evading hostile patrols.

Indeed, watch the patrol path for a bit then flip on combat mode and rush through before they can spot you.
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Sleeping Dragon, I think that may well be my problem. I thought some of the guards were actually static. Thanks for the tip, I'll try the cheat next time.


I gave up on these two when I posted the OP, and went off to met the Head Honcho Drakon. And it looks like there's another sneak problem there, too, so I may use this cheat.

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I went back in a spirit of cleaning up loose ends and reducing the size of my quest list.


I killed all the beasties, and exited via the lever, but Learned Dominic doesn't seem to think it was done. I'm not getting the conversation option to say "I cleared it", I'm just getting given the task over again. I can betray the tunnel, but not report it completed.


What? Do I have to let the guards see me and go hostile? I am puzzled.


Also noted in: http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=119994#Post119994

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  • 1 month later...
Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
If you don't mind cheating a bit (just pretend it's you listening to their footsteps) you can use the code 'showmeall.' It makes enemies show up on the map and it works great for evading hostile patrols.

LOL yeah, I often just excuse my hacking (firebolt 1223 damage) as my pervious shaper trainingn smile and healmenow as "resting"
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You don't have to bribe the drayk at all. You can convince him, with high leadership, to leave. Maybe somebody else here knows how much leadership that takes. Just lie and tell him it doesn't matter, you're just looking for stuff left behind, and the Shapers will be there soon.


As to fight mode, I don't use it. It's so cumbersome. All you really have to do is go fast and don't stop. To cross the road to the other side of the tunnel Dominic is interested in, wait until the soldiers have passed from the east to the west. They are farther away and don't see you. I leave the creations behind, although that is not necessary. There is plenty of time for the whole party to get to the other side.

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