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Mea Tulpa

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How high a level can we expect to reach in G5? I haven't even finished the demo yet and I just hit level 15. I don't remember levelling up this quickly in the past -- 14 times and only 6 non-town zones explored. Surely it can't continue at this rate?


Incidentally, as a Lifecrafter with 3 Cryoa, it's been a complete cake walk. With levels outpacing creation availability I am in the bizarre position of having lots of leftover essence even though I have 40 skill points sitting unspent.

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I got to the low 50s, but that was before Jeff changed the experience level cutoff to give us 5 more levels before we got nothing for killing. I think high 50s is easily possible if you are a completionist and kill everything in sight. Also you should try to get the first two quest from each faction that they give before requiring you swear allegiance.



Of course by the end of the game you find there is very little that gives you experience.


During beta testing we had plenty of zones with almost nothing giving experience.

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Wow. So I'm kind of tempted to throw the optimizing out the window. With so many skill points in place and, in particular, with so many rolling in so early -- and with most skills still under the influence of diminishing returns and/or the 10-cap.


Exception: High levels means Essence builds up quickly. High skill points means Int can be pumped more than usual. A lifecrafter will easily hit 1200 essence at level 60, potentially 1800 or more, and getting to 1000 midgame isn't unreasonable at all. That's crazy. Crazy capacity for powerful creations like we haven't seen in the past. Sheesh -- G5 is a shaper's game once again, even if in a less broken way than G1 and G3 were.

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It would be a shaper's game except that you really don't need to add points to shaping.


Oh, you can add points, but why bother? You can get a shaper's robe rather early. Forge items. Find items.


This is why the Shock Trooper suddenly has a new lease on life... High essence, high energy, and the ability gain roughly 9 to 12 points in magic levels entirely through items. No real need to boost shaping, even though you can. What's left to crank? Physical stats. Strength, dex, int, and endurance, and lots of it. And some of your melee skills if you feel like it.


You can pretty much ignore shaping skills and magic skills and still do just fine. You can clear level 30 before ever reaching the stoneworks. Heck, you can hit level 40 before hitting the stoneworks. You can have a character with all of the physical stats around 10 or so, plus whatever boosts come from items like the gruesome charm.


Did I mention that shock troopers get insane hit point levels, essence levels, and energy levels? I mean, absolutely stupid numbers.




I actually hit level 40 before the stoneworks, and there were still areas to clear. I actually complained that nothing was giving me experience. I was told it was time to move on. grin

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Right, you don't need to add points to shaping. You DO however definitely want the max essence available, which means Lifecrafter or Shock Trooper. Given how high your intelligence will be, the extra 17% spell energy the ST gets over the lifecrafter doesn't really matter.


What's left to crank is Int, Int, and more Int, so you can get more of the better creations. Beyond that I remain unconvinced that any of the combat skills matter for this build, but you're right that magic skills don't really require pumping either. I call it a toss-up.

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Combat skills... Batons are nice. There are a few nice swords. Parry and quick action.


Uh, at about level 40 to 50, there isn't a lot left to crank out. So you sink a few points in to your melee skills because they're cheap, they round you out nicely, and it is something to do.


You certainly don't have to do it, but what else are you going to do with all those leftover points? Pump luck? You could drop a few odd points in shaping I guess, to crank out disposable creations with out having to change clothes.


I assure you, there isn't a whole lot to do at this point. Adding to combat skills is a nice distraction.

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What leftover points? Most of the leftover points should be going into Int. (I just don't increase skills till I have a use for it, and in the demo it's unnecessary.)


As a shaper-type, in G5, there is so much essence available that you can always have lots of good creations. At that point, even if you increase your combat skills to equal those of your creations (which is very unlikely without some dedicated pumping) all you do is increase your team's potential damage output by 1/7. I'd rather pump Int and upgrade a creation or two.


Parry, I suppose I can see some utility for since your creations are probably a lot hardier than you at this point. Or even Strength to wear better equipment, or even Endurance.

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