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Best Pre-set class for Singleton


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I'm pretty new to Avernum 5, more of a classic Exile fan. I was trying to go through as a singleton, but I couldn't even take out the Scuttler guy... Of course Custom is probably the best to have for a singleton, but I'm not experienced enough to know what skills to get, or what level to put them at. So any suggestions? Also what about traits? (Race will always be Slith.)

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I would try it as a party first. I always played singletons in Exile, but parties no longer have most of the annoying problems that made singletons so much simpler to play in Exile. Save a singleton run for when you know more about the game mechanics.


Also note that Sliths are no longer the automatic best race choice like they were in Exile. That honor tends to go to Nephils these days.

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Well, not quite. Sliths get a polearm bonus, a small amount of bonus HP and some fire, poison and acid resistance, while Nephilim get a bonus to missile weapons and Gymnastics. Sliths are still good, but bows are useful enough in A4 and A5 to make Nephilim very competitive. Humans get no bonuses and there's never really much reason to use one.


In A5, humans are at a particularly severe disadvantage because of the battle discipline system. The free combat skills that sliths and nephilim get are even useful to a pure spellcaster, because those points will help them gain access to disciplines.

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