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An alternate door.txt


for testing, debugging, commenting...


* compatible with default door.txt (no need to change memory cells)

* monsters can open/bash/pick-lock doors when adjacent to them (bashing/picking-lock only if the creature is hostile)

* multiple doors (up to 8) can share the same SDF for their lock status, this is the door index in memory cell (4)

(this can save a lot of SDFs when there are many locked doors in a town)

* doors can be locked back with the corresponding key (special item) and with lock-picking

* the party loose a turn in town mode when opening/closing/bashing/picking a door (this freeze-a-turn feature can be easily removed)

* a random component when bashing/picking/using unlock spell

* unlock spell can progressively unlock a door

* bashed doors keep a physical strength of 0 until party exits town (so if the door is locked back it can be easily bashed again)

* party can try to bash/pick-lock a door even if they have the corresponding key (!)

* doors with a lock level of 250 and more (in memory cell (0)) can't be opened except with the corresponding key (special item)


note : since unlock spell can progressively unlock doors a higher lock level might be needed, also a door with a lock level up to 249

can be unlocked with enough spell points (for this reason this feature might not be desirable and can be easily removed)


notice : there are many restrictions to monsters opening/forcing a door, such as the specie, a bad state like paralysis,

not enough intelligence to try to lock-pick a door, a force barrier on the door...


Code updated at the Blades Forge (look for 'door.txt' by Goofy) : Blades Forge Scripts


Good work, adds a bit of realism. With the monsters you might not want to have stupid monsters being able to lockpick and weak monsters being able to bash doors. You would implement this best by using memory cells in the creatures screen. You could also use the same cell for all three of bash, open and pick. (This would involve the use of binary powers, you would need to enumerate all possible eight cases.)


Ishad Nha :
With the monsters you might not want to have stupid monsters being able to lockpick and weak monsters being able to bash doors.

*monsters to open an unlocked or locked door are checked for specie : Reptile, Beast, Insect, Slime/plant and Stone/golem are excluded
*monsters to bash a locked door are checked for strength level against door's physical strength
*monsters to pick a locked door are checked for tool use level against door's mechanism difficulty, and for specie : Human, Nephil (with bonus), Slith and Vahnatai only are allowed
but intelligence is not checked for picking look (should it...)


You would implement this best by using memory cells in the creatures screen. You could also use the same cell for all three of bash, open and pick.

Don't see what you mean there, is it that some individual monsters should not be able to open/bash/pick doors ?
If so there is no call, I think, to read a monster memory cell from a door terrain script...
Alternatively a door could have an additional memory cell to prevent any monster to open/bash/pick it. This is against realism but could be useful.

Monsters get all skills but only with base values, which is : ToolUse=Dext/2, this is not enough.


So I will replace

for bashing : Strenght by Strenght + (Level/2)

for picking : ToolUse by (Dext+Int+ToolUse+level)/3 with a minimum Int=3


It gives for the Brigand Archer (level 2, strenght 2).

bash : 3, pick-lock : 2

It gives for the Slith (level 10, strenght 5).

bash : 10, pick-lock : 8

It gives for the Slith Chief (level 20, strenght 8)

bash : 18, pick-lock : 16


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