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There are quite a few pole weapons in the game, and a few good ones at that. I'm always having a hard time deciding which one's best so I tend to lug them around instead of selling the ones I don't use.


With that in mind: why is it my favourite pole weapon is the cheapest of the three I tend to still have at the end? Why is the bestest-ever pole-arm cheaper than the... well, the others?


Here are my favourites:


1. Slith Bloodspear (val. 2500)

dmg. 14-56

+10 % fire res.

+5 % to hit


2. Spear of the Fen (val. 3000)

dmg. 12-36

+10% acid res.

+3 to Defense

+1 to Riposte


3. Chaotic Halberd (val. 3000)

dmg. 12-36

+10% cold res.

+1 Dexterity


Now, the reason I like the Bloodspear best is, that it was the hardest to get, and it does by far the most damage. So why is it the cheapest of the three? This truly concerns me. I know there are certain calculations as to how much any given piece of equipment is worth, but shouldn't the best of them be the most expensive one as well?


Or isn't it the best after all?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The lesser hit points in the more expensive poles are greatly offset by the extra free skill points they give just by equiping them. That's why they're more expensive.


Imagine how many levels and the hard work involved to increase any one skill by 3 points or acquire a skill you don't have yet.


You only get 5 points at every increase in level which become increasingly more difficult, and they have to be divided among all the skills.


So it's better to use the more expensive poles even though their hit points are lower.

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Those aren't terribly useful skills, though. Defense is essentially useless. Dexterity is mostly useful for moving slightly earlier in combat, hitting more, and doing more damage with weapons that aren't poles. 1 Riposte just won't get you that far.


The damage difference, on the other hand, is rather large, and fire damage is probably the most common of all the kinds you'll face. Getting that resistance helps!


—Alorael, who used the Bloodspear quite happily.

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Originally written by nearart:
Actually Riposte is very valuable. It has saved my characters from a ton of damage.
Parry is valuable, although it's been nerfed quite a bit. Riposte adds a little damage, but that's not terribly important. And one point? Still not worth the huge hit to your damage.

—Alorael, who points out that the extra damage is magnified by your stats, then magnified some more by buffs, and then maybe magnified yet again by battle disciplines. That big difference in damage can easily become an enormous difference.
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