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Ahonoria Quests


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I have the hint book, and it lists a couple of quests that I haven't been offered:


1) The Enemy Shafrir: I'm supposed to get some tools from Shafrir for Solberg, but no one in Ahonaria has said anything about him. Where does this quest come from? Or can I not do both quests?


2) The Dragon's Brew: I haven't heard anything about Melanchion or a recipe. Where do you pick up this quest?


Also, I'm having problems smashing chitrach eggs. I know that I've come across and smashed several, but I don't see a reocrd of it anywhere, and when I go back to the mayor, she doesn't say I've finished the quest and it still appears in my quest book. Where do I find more of these?

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You don't meet Shafrir until much later in the Azure Gallery. He has a pair of calipers that were loaned to him by Solberg. Solberg should have asked you to retrieve them.


Before you get to the Azure Gallery you should have completed the Chitrach Nest quest in Anama, made it through the Howling Depths battles, boated down river and just before you go down the last rapid, stop and try the Lake of Trials.


So you have a long way to go. But what fun!

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  • 5 months later...
Originally Posted By: Randomizer
The chitrach eggs are in the different cellars west of Ahonoria. There are several so it's easy to miss one. I spent hours tracking down the last one because I went past the trapdoor on the other side of the building.

I've searched every basement, smashed every egg, and I'm still not getting credit for completing the quest.
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Location of eggs (all on west side of map):


Cellar of house by the stream (or river?). Cellar is behind the corner of the house. One egg.


NW cellar at top of map. This is a big place. Four eggs.


Cellar by Amelie's house. One egg.


Cellar by abandoned house. One egg.


Cellar of farmer Gilette. One egg.


Unless you missed one of the cellars, my guess is it's the NW one with the four eggs. Go slow there and U a lot.


Just did this today and noted all the locations.


- Nightowl2


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