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stealing anama scrolls


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I recall it being quite easy. I think I took the guard out instead of sneaking, then checked out the spellbooks and got the item for you-know-who. Then it's easy to leave from there.


Afterward I got betrayed by the Anama, I went in and blasted everyone in their city, collecting lots of goodies.


It's not hard to blitz the city.

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I didn't want to mention that sort of mild spoiler, but now that the chitrach's out of the bag, yeah, they pissed me off there... after everything I'd done for them. I mean, I got rid of their damn chitrach problem! Now they're safe because of me! Well, except for the Dorikites (is that a word?) roaming through their lands.


Of course, I guess it doesn't help that I stole their sacred scrolls; so who'm I to complain?


When I saw that traitor there I went back to my Anonaria save in order to kill Micklebur before I left, to see how it would change the story if he wasn't there to greet me in the Depths... foolishly without realizing that (obviously) the whole damn area (not just the town) would turn hostile, which was just too annoying to deal with. So much for that experiment.


I'm a softie, though. I forgave Micklebur and didn't kill him. It seems Dorika's people forced them into an impossible situation. They're peaceful people who only wanted peace and freedom, and Dorikas didn't give them much of a choice.


It just sucked, though. I liked the Anama; I mean: they were actually friendly to me.

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Might PLEASELIKEME help? Or PLEASEFORGIVEME? I haven't tried it. Last time I went to the Anama Lands teleporter I find the woman who was on that pathway between them and Tranquility was gone . . . making me suspect that the "suggestion" that the game made to me, via dialog box, that the Anama lands are now swarmed with Dorikas' people... is actually the case. Maybe I'll do an experiment soon and head down there.


If this is the case then you and I can never return to the Anama lands... oh well.


And I wanted to return to that Vahnatai site in the Howling Depths... .

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Yeah, all I remember in that mad dash after I stole the papers, having taken the secret escape portal, is my very inconvenient encounter with a bunch of extant chitrachs (the only time in the game I was annoyed to run into a swarm of chitrachs... I mean, talk about bad timing... I was afraid the Anama would come and ambush me now that I was preoccupied (which they should've, but they probably didn't see me)... but I wiped the bugs out easily and actually, to tell you the truth, I don't remember fighting any Anama at the gate; I think I remember them just casually letting me through like they did when I did a trial run before hand? Maybe somebody else can share a different story and clear me up.


But, anyhow... I did try PLEASELIKEME and then the Anama were friendly... and remorseful.


I'm a little ashamed at having been taken in by them. I mean, as a skeptic I should've known better. They're a cult . . . meaning that they're a [devious] political organization and that conversion and mendacity is their game. Well, at least Jeff Vogel is apparently a smarter writer than I am a gamer, so I'm thankful for that.


But this isn't real life, so I guess I let my guard down, and in my further defense: They were really the only people I'd encountered so far (except for one or two individuals) who were actually friendly to me and didn't treat me like somebody whom they were dying to stab... in some cases as they admitted, as we all remember I'm sure, yes yes yes.

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Originally written by Micro Phage:
I've tried to find an SDF for Anama Hostile Fix. It almost seems like forgiveme does the job. Even for the scrolls heist.

Just re-did the scrolls heist. shift-D forgiveme or pleaselikeme is all you need. As a cult they are a forgiving bunch. :p
I came back after the Howling Depths to steal the Anama scrolls for Shafrir, and even though they were properly remorseful that they'd led me into an ambush I still stole the papers 'cause I was pissed.

I did try to sneak past the guard but he always caught me (I forgot about combat and hasting) so I just killed him. I thought he was going to yell for help, but he didn't.

I used the secret passage to get out without going through Ahonaria, and then I realized the whole area was hostile. I used the cheat 'pleaselikeme' but nothing happened, now I know I should've used the 'forgiveme' cheat too...incidentally that's not in the book, how did you find out about it?

Anyways I still managed to make it through to the pylon after killing a few soldiers and farmers and the seamstress.
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