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Doomguard in Pit of despair??!!


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Ah! Can someone help me with the Doomguard in the pit of despair? I am in the Vahnatai lands, and I am trying to get past this guard so I can get through the gate.


He keeps replicating and replicating!!!!!


All my characters are really strong, but I can't seem to damage him. very much. No on really gets more then 40 damage on him. He doesn't kill me, but I end up with like 60 guards...and then more. Help!

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yeah... I must be doing something wrong, because nothing is working!


I have all my characters hastened and made as strong as possible

(I edited them to high hell to beat this darn character) I concentrate on the first guy and after all my characters have one round, they have only damaged him by like 10%. Then he duplicates!


Is there a spell I don't have that is more effective then 30 damage? The bad guy shrugs off my daze and slow spells. Help again!

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At this point in the game, you should be able to deal well more than 30 damage for most characters. Are you selling all of the better weapons? If not, have you invested skill points in combat skills? Quick Action can give bonus second hits, too. Use battle disciplines for extra punch! I seem to remember the Slow spell working, but maybe not.


Be sure you are hitting the same guard until he dies. I seem to remember them "jumping around" upon each split. Only hit in a round when everyone can pile on. If your priest needs to heal in a round then skip offense in that round. Also, figure out which spells do the most damage (it sometimes is not intuitive.) Last, no area of effect spells.

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A full dose of buffs will help. Do you have access to at least some of the Divine/Arcane spells? Also, far as I can tell, Slow more or less works on every enemy in the game (with a few exceptions) if you try hard enough, just as long as they haven't been hasted yet.


Also make use of Battle Disciplines if you have them. With two fighter types and Adrenaline Rush you can get in 10 total actions between your four party members, and up to 4 attacks from high-quality summons, which should do quite a bit of damage for a first strike before the Doomguard splits. Disciplines such as Shield Breaker will also help. Summons can be very useful if properly buffed since they'll tend to focus on only one enemy.

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