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Mages and Armor (or is it Armour?)

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Is there any way, other than trial and error, to determine when armor is going to interfere with casting magic spells?


And do all the worn items count? Does the armor rating of pendants, rings and boots count towards blocking magic?


I'm running a party of two characters right now. They need magic in a bad way, but they also need to block damage when critters get past the acid and fire and start chewing on their kneecaps.

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I wrote a whole response, but then I found a better one in this thread from a few weeks ago.


—Alorael, who hopes that helps. All your equipment counts towards the penalty, but most rings, necklaces, and bracelets don't have penalties. Boots sometimes do, though, so keep track!

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There's nothing "olde" about the standard British English spellings. In Middle English the word was significantly different, and in Old English it didn't exist because it has a Latin root.


—Alorael, who brings you this moment because it's never too soon to start protesting that Shakespearian English isn't Old. It is, in fact, quite modern.

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Humor (Humour for our Brit, Canuck and Aussie friends) on the Internets


And, yes, I know that it's pronounced "ozzie". Don't quiz me on the pronunciation of major Australian cities, though.


I still say that Webster got it right with the whole -or thing. After all, you Brits don't say emperour or horrour, do you? You'll come around... Uh oh, I can see the anchour in your eyes.

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