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A5 vs. A4


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I'm a big fan of spider web games. I bought and beat Exile 2, 3, and Avernum 4, but I have a question before I want to buy Avernum 5.


I have to say, I was rather unimpressed with Avernum 4. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but I found it way too linear and I felt that there wasn't much of a sense of exploration compared to the previous games.


With that said, is A5 better?

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General consensus is yes. While the game is fairly linear, there are new lands to explore and a fresh plot to experience. The game mechanics and combat are by far superior to A4. My one personal complaint is the weak character development, but otherwise it is a really good game.

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Oh c'mon, don't tell me you really mind the weak character development in the Avernum series... With the possible exception of Avernum 2 and Geneforge 4's Trakovites, Jeff's games tend to focus on gameplay... Whiwh is a common thing for huge epics. Even you (who are complaining about it) didn't try to make a good plot or good characters for ATG and Spears. You instead chose to focus on the universe and the gameplay (which turned out to be really amazing at times). On the other hand, you did focus on the plot for Emulations and APF...


Mind you, I'm in no way saying that making a good plot for an epic is impossible, but many classic RPG designers choose to focus on the gameplay.

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A5 takes what was good about A4 and adds what was good about A2. It's a very good game.


—Alorael, who thinks the bar for liking Spiderweb games has constantly been raised until at this point it's unreasonable. Jeff makes good games. They're not perfect, but they're a lot of fun. A5 is better than most of them.

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Jeff pretty much has made A5 and all future games pretty linear. The good news is that except for the Hirickis/boat and killing Lysstak in chapter 3, you can get around some of the obstacles that Jeff put in the game. You get somewhat underpowered if you slip through Tranquility and the Anama Lands to race into the Azure Gallery, but it is at least possible.

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I am only in stage 4 of 9 in A5, but I find it much more intriguing than A4. Addicting. It is linear in that you have to complete each area first (at least that's what I recommend). However you can do everything in whatever order you want to (and are strong enough to).


I just recommend visiting the cities first and picking up jobs so you don't wipe someone out that you kind of should have preserved.


If you are really looking for a challenge, why don't you try the game with less than 4 characters?

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A4 was the first game in the Exile/Avernum series that I actually played past the demo. As a new player, I enjoyed it immensely. However, I agree with the consensus that A5 is much better. primarily because of the more interesting story with several choices that really matter to the course of how the game develops (and with no obvious "right" choice). I also find it much harder.

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