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Runed Sentinel.


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I didn a search on the board, no luck, so I registered and am posting this. >_>


Behind a magically locked door in Solberg's tower, there is a staircase that leads to a set of runes on the floor and a gong. Ring the gong, a quest starts to find Sentinel weak spots.


I'm on the second Sentinel, and I've tried everything I have and nothing is his 'weak spot.'


Smite, Repel Spirit, ice, fire, lightining, acid, spear, sword, bow, a shade, and a bug.


So, does anyone know what his weak spot is?


And, totally off topic, but who the heck can equip wands? My Priest, Mage, Rogue, and Warrior can't.


Thanks. laugh

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Tiacourna's quest to test it requires you to change the type of damage each time she tells you to do it. Physical (swords, pole weapons, and bow), fire (bolt of fire and divine fire), cold (icy rain and smite), and magical (lightning spray and repel spirit) will each be more effective at different times. Try one of each and watch at the bottom of the screen for which one does the most penetrating damage. Then concentrate on that type until the next change.


Wands can help fighters for the damage that isn't physical.

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Minor correction to Randomizer: one of the golem's phases is vulnerable to acid, and none and vulnerable to magic.


As for the original poster's question, I'm pretty sure the second stage is fire or acid. Maybe try those again? Also, be sure to haste your spellcasters, because the fight has a time limit.

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