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Unattainable Items in Avernum 5


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Well, there are only a couple of unreachable sights in the entire game, so it is worth looking around. There's some hidden way to access most things you notice. Sometimes the way involves coming back from a spot much further along in the game though; and in a couple of cases there is no way at all. So if you've searched a lot, give up, at least for the time being. And if you do miss a thing or two that you could have gotten, it's no big deal.

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Well there was one cache that I found surrounded by rocks and next to a wall.


After lighting a lamp, I saw the black spot on the wall that indicated a secret passage, and was able to get to the cache.


maybe some of the ones that are unreachable might not be smile


There was a distinct lack of secret passages in Avernum 4 (which I hated, being a big fan of head butting against walls in the other Avernum games) and I'm so happy there are so many secret passages in this game! Way to go!

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This is one thing that bugs me a little about Avernum (though it's not a bad bugging of me, more just an attribute that I accept) -- that the map indicates a secret room that I can't access. I search and search for a button that opens it, I wait for the possibility of finding somebody to open the way for me, and no go. It turns out to be just a teaser. You see... the blocked passages and blocked herbs and such I ignore and don't fret over. I KNOW they're inaccessible unless I happen to find a back-passage to it that becomes accessible later on. It should be the same way with the "secret rooms", but it just bugs me, and I always go back and double check, triple check, quadruple check for a button I might've missed, someplace in the vicinity or slightly further from the vicinity. Sometimes they're not even anywhere near, such as in the Workshop. So I can't help thinking I've missed something important!


Oh, well. It's just something I have to live with. It's part of the personality of Avernum, I don't want this to sound like a complaint, though it probably does sound that way, because it's not really something I feel upset about. It's just something that makes me a little neurotic, is all.

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