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Anyone else annoyed by this?

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There are 3 different chests in northshore bridge side by side near the entrance to the general's chambers in the army camp, with different strength traps in them, I had been unable to disarm one of them and it always killed me so I kept coming back half a dozen times when my mechanics increased by one. I then spent some time after finding 16 still wasn't enough picking through my equipment to get 104% energy resistance (it does magical damage), cast steel skin and protection and augmentation on myself and triggered the trap. It still did over 500 damage. Getting frustrated at this point I looked at Schrodinger's faq and notice it says it is impossible to disarm and doesn't even contain any items anyway. And I have to wonder why there would be such a thing in the game that players will likely use up a large amount of time trying to solve it over and over again, and even if very late in the game you manage to survive opening it, there isn't even a reward.

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I tried to open it once or twice at too low a level, and obviously had no luck. I ended up opening it at the very end of the game; it was the last thing I did, and I was finally strong enough to not die (though I may have been able to do it sooner).


I was also somewhat disappointed to find that there wasn't any great treasure for my trouble, but I was too busy being satisfied with my curiosity settled to care very much.


Even if there was something good in there, I wouldn't have gotten it until I was about to leave to go back to the mainland and the item would have gone to waste. To make a long story short, it doesn't bother me all that much.

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It takes a 20 to open the chest and is a good indication that you will be able to open doors for the rest of the game. If you don't get to that 20 then you probably won't have enough living tools to get to goodies on the monestary island and other places. I still have to scramble around trying to find enough as it is. I carry tinkers gloves, infiltrators coat and tinkers bauble and switch to them when I come to hard chests and doors so don't have to spend points all the way to a 20.

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Good to know that chest isn't worth the effort. I tried to disarm it and got hit for 1024 damage.

I thought.. there must be something that will help me win the game in that!!


My biggest peeve so far is using 3 tools to open a door to find.. yup.. 1 tool and some other stuff that was good.. but not that great. :rolleyes:

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Originally written by arkadilo:
What I really hate is using a couple of tools to open a door that goes into a room that you can access freely from the other side. I learned quick to make sure there is no other way in before wasting the tools!
I always saved before using Living Tools to open unknown doors, as there are many locked rooms that contain nothing of value.
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