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Startup Screen & Music


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As yet another way of feebly passing the time, I'd like to hear people's thoughts on what the startup screen and accompanying music for Geneforge 3 will be like.


The first game had a relatively calm depiction of a Shaper creating a Fyora, with nifty strumming <DUM-DUM-DUM-DUM> music in the background.


Geneforge 2 had a crazed Barzite creating a drakon, with brash <BRAN-NA-NA-NA-NAAAA! BRAN-NA-NA-NAAAA!> music with deep-bass thumping.


As we can see, so far things have gotten more aggressive thematically. So do you think we're going to get something even more aggressive with GF3 — so much so that it'll make us faint from the assault — or the reversion to a more thoughtful, evocative theme? Or perhaps a mix of the two approaches, such as a pastoral setting with sheep gently grazing and a Shaper Shepherd benignly tending them, but accompanied by hard rock music heavy on the electirc guitar (Avernum 2 style)?


Fortunately, we shouldn't have to tolerate this particular pointless topic for very long...

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Wow, this is a new low.


While we're on the subject, though, has anyone else noticed that the opening screens in some of the games are different on Mac and on Windows? Win-A1 is missing the dragon on top of the mountain that Mac-A1 has. (I only noticed this because I used that dragon for Mount Galthrax in Bahssikava.) I think Win-BoA has a totally different startup splash screen than Mac-BoA does.

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Well, I've just done some serious research on Win-BoA startup (I had to fight my way through a tribe of drunken goblin-gremlin hybrids to run the game, but it was worth it)


The start up for BoA, Win is something like this: You see a slith standing and hiding behind a tree, next to him, hiding behind tree/bushes is a female and a male humans. There's some water in between them and a fort/city in the horizon. Perched on top of this fort is a dragon.


I'm hoping for more guitar on the music for GF3, not strident, yet not classic either. A bit more of the guitar solo with very, very subtle percussion (if any) in the background. Maybe this time we'll se a shaper that looks female (maybe Litalia (which sounds like a Latin or Lovestricken Italian name, but that's just me. Boy, that was bad)). Or, maybe the music is going to be softer than in the other games, more mysterious, and maybe with a Mysterious Island feeling to it.

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Litalia also brings up the image of some piece of blue-skinned female alien crumpet with glittery antennae that Captian Kirk would scrundle up next to. She's supposedly from another world, but all her alluring bits are biologically compatible.


Oh my. You've just given me a horrible idea — Jeff may go overboard with this whole island theme: I start up Geneforge 3 and I hear Bobby Mcerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy." eek If that happens I'll get out my Ginzu knives and perform the Happy Despatch.


And yes, Kelandon, this topic is a new low. Good Lord, I'm ashamed of myself... :rolleyes:

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Originally written by Icshi:
Litalia also brings up the image of some piece of blue-skinned female alien crumpet with glittery antennae that Captian Kirk would scrundle up next to. She's supposedly from another world, but all her alluring bits are biologically compatible.

Oh my. You've just given me a horrible idea — Jeff may go overboard with this whole island theme: I start up Geneforge 3 and I hear Bobby Mcerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy." eek If that happens I'll get out my Ginzu knives and perform the Happy Despatch.

And yes, Kelandon, this topic is a new low. Good Lord, I'm ashamed of myself... :rolleyes:
don;t worry be happy (click here)
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I've been hearing the delightful chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth smile for some days now, with only minor variation. Yet it's getting tiresome. We need some new orchestrations of suffering to liven things up. Hence this scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel topic. Even in the paltry space of a few hours it has fulfilled its purpose admirably! Quake and shudder in awe eek as hawk king and I draw you all deeper into the maelstrom of self- and mutually-inflicted madness! laugh


<...Cue duet of diabolical laughter...>



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Originally written by Icshi:
I've been hearing the delightful chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth smile for some days now, with only minor variation. Yet it's getting tiresome. We need some new orchestrations of suffering to liven things up. Hence this scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel topic. Even in the paltry space of a few hours it has fulfilled its purpose admirably! Quake and shudder in awe eek as hawk king and I draw you all deeper into the maelstrom of self- and mutually-inflicted madness! laugh

<...Cue duet of diabolical laughter...>

i agree to be your partner in torture if i get the first victims body deal ?

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To restore the topic at hand, and casually brush away the cobwebs of madness that have festered in this particular thread <ahem>, it would seem that we got the opposite "contrast pair" than that which I mentioned in my original post. We have the scene of devastation and overflowing violence counterpointed by a pleasant and rather soothing, intriguing melody reminiscent of a medieval troubadour touting his flute at twilight around a comforting campfire.


Odd, innit?


Then again, maybe after downing a few dozen pints of the Ol' Green's Augmentation, violence will become all Clockwork Orange-like in one's mind?


"I'm singing, and dancing, in the rain!"

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