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What is the best: GF1, GF2 or GF3? / What I must buy now?

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G1 is marginally the best in my opinion, but I like all 3. I still think you should get G1 next, since then you'll get an idea where it all came from. Be warned that the engine is a fair bit simpler than in G3 -- for instance, no trapdoors -- and there are no Drakons, Gazers, or Rotghroths. But the story just works better than in either sequel.

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GF1 is the best in my opinion, not really knowing what's going on and learning about the Canisters and the Geneforge and all. Had an ex-girlfriend that always kicked me each time I skipped ahead in a book or read a sequal before I read the first book. I quickly learnt the same went for games. Hence I always play the first game first, now out of habit more than fear of getting kicked.

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I think I agree with others here: I liked GF1 best. It was mysterious and interesting. GF2 kind of suffers from A4 syndrome: you know most of what's going on from very early in the game and just have to complete tasks from then on.


Not that I didn't like GF2 or A4, really, but just that GF1 was better.

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Thanks for all the votes and the replies. Now I know what I have to buy...


And the winners is... Geneforge... 2!

I choice that for a very simple reason: buying GF3,2,1 seems to be much better than 3,1,2.

Sorry, I have choiced before the poll close, but I finish GF3 today. Horewer, keep voting the first question, if you want.

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