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Finished role-playing as Loyalist Shaper

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I finally finished role-playing as a very loyal loyalist shaper in Torment. I did whatever necessary to help the Shaper cause.


Surprisingly, it wasn't to difficult, once again confirming my long held belief that the Shaper is the best PC (why do you think the Guardian and Agent are submissive to them, eh?). I didn't use canisters or allow myself to be shaped. The Battle Alpha + Cryoa was quite a pleasing combination throughout the game, but I replaced the Battle Alpha with a Rotgroth at the end. Roamers are pretty good creations as well.


I didn't steal Lord Rahul's goods. I crushed every rogue and traitorous servile in existence. In every battle where I had loyal soldiers as allies, I ensured that they survived the battle so that they could continue the battle against the rogues.


However, while role-playing as a very loyal shaper, I ran into a moral dilemma. Should I use the canisters? Although against Shaper Laws, using the canisters greatly increases my abilities to fight the rogues. It seems... wasteful... to allow any rogue/rebel shaper to use those canisters.


IMHO, as a loyal shaper, it is your duty to use those canisters. As a loyal shaper, you are meant to be willing to sacrifice yourself for the Shaper cause. Why not your sanity?


Anyone else here played as a loyalist Shaper without canisters? Have fun? What creations did you use?

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I played as a Loyalist without cannisters, and found the Rotghroth to be by far the most potent creation.


I didn't use the cannisters, like any Loyal Shaper shouldn't. After all, Shaping oneself is barred by the Shaper Council. For that reason I also didn't allow myself to be altered by Tolleran, Resnick, or the Drakon on the Isle of Spears.


I did think it was a shame that I couldn't create drayks though.

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I think that you purist shaper-types are the reason why the world is in the mess it is in. If you would take your heads out of the books and look at the way things are going around you, you would realize that the drakons have surpassed you in shaping prowess for a reason.


Yes, you must show some restraint and some extra control to shape yourself. But if you can first find, then interpret, the scrolls within yourself and others your shaping abilities will multiply. You purists blindly throw energy and essence at a critter and document what happens in the vain hopes that it will be an improvement you can pass on to others. You disgust me with the careless disregard you show to not only the creations but more importantly, to your own powers. You are too arrogant to believe someone can see or do something which you cannot and so you vigorously and, if necessary, violently put down all other beliefs and ways of doing things.


EDIT: btw, Waylander -- you get that name from David Gemmel's book(s)?

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but that that noes change the fact that Shaping yourself is obviously a poor idea.
Not necessarily... You need all the power you can get to fight the rogues in this time of crisis.

They strip away your humanity, but a canister-mad loyalist is still as loyal to the Shapers as a purist Shaper.


EDIT: btw, Waylander -- you get that name from David Gemmel's book(s)?
Yes! The Waylander trilogy is one of my fav's by David Gemmel.
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Originally written by Waylander:

They strip away your humanity, but a canister-mad loyalist is still as loyal to the Shapers as a purist Shaper.
Yes, in theory. But in practice the arrogance would mean that as soon they asked you to do something, you'd say that you were above the task and not listen.

Plus, YOU would be an illegal creature. They'd kill you.
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Yes, in theory. But in practice the arrogance would mean that as soon they asked you to do something, you'd say that you were above the task and not listen.
That's not true. If you play as a canister-mad loyalist, you still fight loyally for the Shaper Council in the end. In fact, I am willing to bet that being buffed on canisters makes you more effective at killing rogues.


Plus, YOU would be an illegal creature. They'd kill you.
You haven't finished the game, have you? :p

If you finish the game as a loyalist who has used many canisters, they are suspicious, but admit that they need your power. They give you an army, and you take the fight to the rogues.
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Originally written by Waylander:
If you finish the game as a loyalist who has used many canisters, they are suspicious, but admit that they need your power. They give you an army, and you take the fight to the rogues.
I haven't finished the game with a cannister-using Loyalist, no. All I know is that when a cannister-using Rebel goes home, a Shaper comes to kill you. Whether this is because you are really powerful or what, I don't really know.
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Ack, warn for spoilers, heh.


Hmm... Drakons are modified sorts... and they modify the serviles... why don't any serviles look at you as if you're nothing? (Especially those 1.2k Health ones?)


A note for you all- you can use 6 canisters and not be counted as a canister user. (This would be a way to get some creations earlier in the game, especially if you're trying to be a "pure" rebel.)

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