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New Biuld(No Flaming -_-)

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Well when i was playing G3, i found that if you make a Guardian, with all Parry and Q-Action, It will make an awesome guy.


Parry 17+ - They Wont hit over 40+(depends on what your fighting).If the monster has over 1000 hp then it might hit over 30. but not a good chance


Q-Action 17+ - you sometimes attack 3 times without other guys attacking.


And if you guys dont feal safe.


Dexterity 15+ - Standard dex for weak monsters. but if the monster is real high, get over 20 dex.


Usually after 18 Dex you dont get hit mostly at all.


Even if you have low Strength and Health. they wont kill you in 1 hit so its not a problem.


Starting Stats for Guardian












When you've done that, just keep geting Melee and Dexterity from time to time.


Dont forget to get Some Strength if you dont want to be a weakling, but it will mess with how much you will block and how fast you attack.


If this isn't a good biuld, dont come in here and flame me becuase it works nice for me and i get hit 1/15 times. (Depending on the monster).

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Welcome to the boards. People are reacting a bit strangely because they've been reading and writing threads about this kind of thing for years now, so they may be vexed that you haven't somehow found all those old threads and studied them diligently. It wouldn't actually be so easy to do that, for instance because even the keyword 'build' has only started getting used around here relatively recently. Some of the most important old threads on the topic didn't use it.


Anyway, the first thing people will say (so I'll say it nicely) is that practically any build will work fine on Normal difficulty settings, so the only issue that interests them is new builds that will work on Torment. I rather doubt this one will, in G3. High Parry and QA worked so well in G2 that I tried it on my first Guardian game in G3, and on Torment it was a really hard struggle.


For Normal, it's probably fun to crank Parry and watch everything miss you; good for you for trying it out.

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Umm ... yeah ... i use the word ''biuld'' becuase i play another game called FlyFF (flyForFun) and its 100x better then this game. but .. i play this demo cus its kinda cool.


and in Flyff you can biuld your guy the same as this. str sta int and dex, and alot more..


i have a a good account on it and lots of people have ''biulds'' on there forums..


go to other game forums and find out things that are new.. instead of staying here and say that i say biuld becuase other people here say it or some ****..

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Originally written by Ghezuarah Mehnzuh:
Umm ... yeah ... i use the word ''biuld'' becuase i play another game called FlyFF (flyForFun) and its 100x better then this game. but .. i play this demo cus its kinda cool.

and in Flyff you can biuld your guy the same as this. str sta int and dex, and alot more..

i have a a good account on it and lots of people have ''biulds'' on there forums..

go to other game forums and find out things that are new.. instead of staying here and say that i say biuld becuase other people here say it or some ****..
Ladies and gentlemen... I present you with our...


Yes, come one and come all to see the mighty troll! Brought all the way from N00bland for your most exquisite entertainment! But be careful... do not feed the troll! It may grow bold and accustomed to human food and attempt to bite off arms or legs.

(Max/Can't spell your other name: Just because a certain strategy works on another game doesn't mean it will work in Geneforge. Don't flame other people for understanding this fact.)

P.S: It's "build".
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Originally written by Learned Darikiyoban:
Edit: MagmaDragoon, it's "hypothetical." :p
I'm MagmaDrakoon! :p

And why you still say "Dikiyoba" at the end of your post instead of "Learned Darikiyoban"? :p

(Sorry for fueling... laugh ) (Fueling...Is correct?)

Originally written by Vlishnu:
"ipothetical" makes him sound British. Which is very amusing.
For the second time, I'm trasforming a topic in a grammar-topic. laugh
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Ghezuarah Mehnzuh, I think we can keep the flaming under control if you don't respond back to people, just because it's easier for you to control your behavior than it is for you to control others' behavior.


Your build looks like the basic, traditional guardian build. It's not a bad starting spor, but lots of people start out with similar builds. There are other build ideas discussed in other threads, if you want to experiment.


And threads go off topic more often than not. It's a fact of Spiderweb Message Boards, and it's probably better that way. Don't get upset over it, because it's not worth it at all.



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Originally written by MagmaDrakoon:
And why you still say "Dikiyoba" at the end of your post instead of "Learned Darikiyoban"?
For the same reason everyone here calls Henry Anthony Wilcox "Arancayter", Keto-San "TM", and Cacothanasia (His current name) "Aloreal". Plus, I don't think Dikiyoba wants to type out Learned Darikiyoban every time she mentions herself.
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Originally Mr. Bookworm:


For the same reason everyone here calls Henry Anthony Wilcox "Arancaytar", Keto-San "TM", and Cacothanasia (His current name) "Alorael".
Dikiyoba fixed your typos. Otherwise, you would have been sniped and suffered another death equally as terrible, possibly involving fluffy kittens.
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