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The everyone-dies ending

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I have a little scenario I'm experimenting with. It has several endings. In one of those endings, the party suicides. However, due to the circumstances, that's actually considered a perfectly okay ending, and the easiest option to resolve the problem in the scenario. It's obviously far from ideal, but none of the other options are that great either.


I'm being deliberately vague here so as to avoid spoiling anything, just in case the scenario ever does get released (don't hold your breath :rolleyes: ).


Now the question. Would it be better to indicate to the player that this is an acceptable ending and then kill the party, OR to end the scenario normally (and if the latter, should the "win" flag be set or not)?

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Originally written by Keep:
I just hope that the 'suicide' ending is a story thing, not a litteral one. I can think of a few people that would be annoyed if the reward for beating the scenario is the loss of their party.
Well, NTH had you as a premade party, so it wouldn't matter. But you didn't lose your party, anyway.
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