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Graphics Question

Silent Motion

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and then tell me if this info is correct. I have some submissions that are placing thumbnail "cells" to the immediate right of the original graphic, where the thumbnail cells are stacked one of top of the other, and I don't believe you can just copy and paste these into a BoA Graphic Sheet. Please let me know what works and what doesn't.

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Moderators are human too, you know. They don't get their positions for knowing everything about the game the forum is for. People are made moderators to enforce the rules of the message board fairly.

Brett, I don't quite understand what you're saying. You mean that instead of having graphics arranged like


in separate sheets, they're arranged like




? If that's the case, you can have more than one row of item graphics in a sheet, I believe.

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Originally written by Silence in Motion:
I mean like this

And FYI for those out there that think I'm all-knowing. Well, you're RIGHT! I'm just testing you!

Seriously, while I did beta test BoA, I've not built anything with it. The graphics design section on the Louvre was built with the help of many experts, but I'm not one of them. I just brought it all together. laugh

Edit: Auugh! I hit the quote button instead of Edit! Double post! I guess I'll have to report myself....
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This is pretty much most of the email I sent Brett on this. FYI I'm the culprit responsible for the graphic that raised this issue.


You theoretically could have the 16x16 icons required for both terrain and floors (there is a difference in the two terms here. "Terrain" is basically layed on top of "Floors". This is the terminology used in the actual script for each scenario. "valleydydata.txt", from VoDT, has enough examples of this. The glowing portcullis is "terrain". The slimy floors are "floors".)


Using DwtD as an example, sheet #501 is only 5 cells wide. Since BoA dosen't chuck a hissy fit about this I'm assuming that any graphics sheet can be less than the 10 cells required as is actually written in the documentation. (Either this or Jeff made a boo-boo when porting to windows...)


If you can find a width for the image, which is both divisible by the width of an icon (the 16x16 ones are what I'm referring to here.) - including the border, that was also divisible by the width of a 46x55 cell - including the border, and also find a height that would make it seem like a sheet usable for both the 16x16 icons and the 46x55 cells then - and only then - could it work.


I am assuming here that Jeff has some kind of verification for the graphic's size. Using the above rules you would religiously stick to BoA's so called "requirements". In practice (on a windows version at least...) you can have any width and height - as long as you never ask BoA to use a graphic from it that is larger than the physical dimensions.


In plain english? As long as the graphic is at least 48x57 (border already included) and you position your 18x18 icons (border included) in the correct place - it will work. I have tested this on windows, cannot verify on others. Jeff should really have put validation routines on the graphical input side of things.


In the case of it being too far above your head or I wrote something that will only ever make sense to me... I have attached a zip file with a scenario to demonstrate. I have also included a *.gif to show you what I meant, the *.gif should be converted to a *.bmp or *.pict (I think, I'm not sure of *anything* when it comes to Macs...). If you are using a PC then open the *.gif in MS Paint, save as an 8 Bit or 24 Bit *.bmp and rename to "G500.bmp". If using a Mac, put it in a resource ala Jeff's instructions in the editor's docs, not having a mac I can't do this for you.


If it does work as expected, Jeff didn't put any validation routines on graphic sheets apart from "does this sheet even exist". If the scenario doesn't work then the Mac version might be dodgy, or Jeff's port was less than perfect.

I do not have web space to host the scenario. Basically any scenario would do for testing. The only issue with the method I outlined is that if you are referencing a 46x55 cell that is that if your reference past the first "row", e.g. "te_which_icon = 22", then that might (i.e. most likely will) cause problems.


So apart from the first row of 46x55 cells, the rest of the sheet would have to consist of the 16x16 icons, or vice versa. Might save space in rare circumstances when someone is using a 16 Bit image or higher, or if the icon sheet would only consist of 1 icon otherwise.


I'm not too sure if this makes sense without a drawn example. Since I can't host the scenario, unless someone is willing to, we'll have to wait for Brett to test it - because I'm not going to spend all day emailing it out if you'd feel like being my guinea pig.


Keep in mind, if this does not work on a Mac, then in the unlikely situation that your graphic would meet the obscure requirements needed to save space - enough to make stuffing around like this actually worth it - then the resulting graphic would only be useful on a PC.

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Originally written by CPeters:
I'm not too sure if this makes sense without a drawn example.
Sorry, it doesn't.

Originally written by CPeters:
Keep in mind, if this does not work on a Mac, then in the unlikely situation that your graphic would meet the obscure requirements needed to save space - enough to make stuffing around like this actually worth it - then the resulting graphic would only be useful on a PC.
In the past I have experimented with Mac graphics, and also did some stuff with using graphics in the 3D Editor. There are no restrictions on its size, as long as any image you use is within its bounds. Why would there be such a restriction? It would seem pointless and wasteful. For example, if you only have 4 graphics, there's no point wasting space by making the image 10 units wide.
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