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Backround Sounds -( For Towns)

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From what I've read about Windows Custom Sounds, they're an absolutely terrible idea.


Read this:


When you use Resedit, reshack or similar tools to implement custom sounds by opening the .exe, you are not 'linking' these sounds to the .exe. You are placing them inside the .exe, in the Resource Section of the .exe, which is where data that isn't the main programming is stored, and is usually used for cursors, keyboard shortcuts, strings, sounds, dialogs, etc.


That is, the only way to add custom sounds on Windows (that we have discovered yet) is by modifying the executable.


If Spiderweb will distribute such scenarios, which ask the user to implement these sounds using Reshack/resedit, I'd be quite surprised.


If Spiderweb will distribute such scenarios, which as the user to copy a supplied .exe to their BoA directory, I'd be amazed (and avoiding those scenarios. You do realise the BoA executable is positively huge in Windows?)

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A very, very easy way out of these difficulties would be for Jeff to add a few empty files to the sound folder within the BoA .exe. Just ten or twenty, empty, but numbered, that could be used for custom sounds. But I doubt that it will happen.

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