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Typo in Docs: set_attitude

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In the editor, I spend ~30 minutes looking for some way to set a creature's attitude. It hadn't occured to me yet to use "set_attitude(a,B)", because it was listed as "short set_attitude(a,B)". Could you (Jeff), in the next version of the editor or at least in the .zip file from whence the editor is obtained, fix this please? Thanks! (I, AFAIK, probably won't be the only person to become confused by this.)

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Confused me, too. smile I suppose he's saying because it lists it as returning a short when it (in all likelihood, at least) has no return value. I suppose it MIGHT return a 0 or 1 based on success/failure; but if so, the docs don't elaborate.


At any rate, I gather he was searching for something with a void return value, rather than a short.



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And here's another... the docs say there's a void move_to_loc_x_y(short x, short y). Try to use it, though, and the application tells you it's an unknown call the moment it tries to load the script (both in 1.0 and the new beta).


On a hunch, I shortened the call to move_to_loc(), and the application doesn't complain... until it's ready to run that line of code. Then it tells me wrong number/type of parameters. It doesn't work with the syntax above or move_to_loc(short char, short x, short y) (still wrong number/type).


The really odd thing (of course) is that move_to_loc doesn't exist at all, as far as the docs are concerned. wink Yet it's there, if one only knew what sort of parms it expects...


So... until this gets sorted out, anyone have any suggestions for getting an NPC to move to a specific location? Waypoints maybe?



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