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xian stuff

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It's not really a quest, just a bunch of fun things to look for. You didn't expect X's creations to have a purpose, did you? The Xian Coins are rather useful, but if I recall correctly, the Pants are awful.


Personally, I loved the Xian Shrub. Spreading joy and small ground cover plants throughout Valorim...

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I believe that Anaximander mentions at the very beginning that the party that was sent up before you was outfitted (by X) with a variety of magical items. These items (being made by X) were called the Xian Items.


Now, since they don't all quite work as they should, the party has met an untimely end and the items are scattered everywhere. They're just for fun, though, not a quest.

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Whoop, first post.

Anaximander does mention the items (or somebody does. It might be X, actually.)

The items are interesting, but only the coins are really useful. Basically the theme with them is that the few that have benificial effects also have some truly nasty side-effects that make them pretty much useless. But if you're into item collecting, they're awesome.

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Originally written by Ephesos:
It's not really a quest, just a bunch of fun things to look for. You didn't expect X's creations to have a purpose, did you? The Xian Coins are rather useful, but if I recall correctly, the Pants are awful.

Personally, I loved the Xian Shrub. Spreading joy and small ground cover plants throughout Valorim...
So X created the xian stuff? Well that makes a lot more sense. Its been a while since I played A3.
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Originally written by Steppery:
Hence the name X-ian.

—Alorael, who believes there was some disagreement once over whether that should be pronounced Eksian or Zian.
I imagine that would depend on whether one pronounces X's name as "eks" or "zai."

Though upon further reflection, perhaps it isn\'t as clear as it seems .
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While I doubt this, it could be a whole pun on the christian habit of Christmas shortening to Xmas, making the items Christian.


Presumably, this explains their interesting range of rather dysfunctional abilities, and why some of them are flat-out detrimental. I imagine the xian skull would be a rough analogue of some babbling idiot such as Pat Robertson.

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