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Newbie with questions about my inventory and picking up items in Avadon: The Black Fortress

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Hey everyone!! I am new to Avadon, and so far it's been pretty fun! I have a question though.... as I explore the first castle and the dungeons underneath, I have found a TON of items to be picked up. That said, how do I know what to pick up and what not to? My main character's inventory is cluttered with both helpful and seemingly unhelpful items. I understand the need to pick up gear and potions, but what about rope, sticks, spoons, etc? Should I leave the more ambiguous items where I found them? Thanks so much!!

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First in almost all areas of the game, you can return later to pick items up. Usually you won't bother and they aren't worth coming bak for them.


Items that have a value are ones to keep since you can sell them later for money. Click on the item to see in the description whether they have value, can be used as armor, or have some other notation about them. Some things like lock picks are kept for opening locked places. Early armor and weapons have no value, but are the best you can find.


Skip getting rope, sticks, and other miscellaneous items that are there to add color. 


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. It just blocks irrational thoughts.  :)

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Thank you for the warm welcome!! have been picking up everything, but from what I understand, most items found are there for flavor and player-interest. So, if those items do not have a particular use, and have no real monetary value, they are not worth picking up? I am a bit surprised that the designers put in things that are worthless, but in my opinion it does add some personality.

I am also stuck with the first enemy in the dungeon under the castle. The guy I am fighting - Ghroz - is tearing right through me and my companion. I know I am new to this game, and I have a couple potions and healing patches, should I be using them in this battle or is there something I am missing? Please help!

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Some worthless items may be needed for a collect items quest, but you can always find them without too much trouble.


Use potions and items to keep healed if you are having trouble. Also look through your special abilities to find ones that can increase your damage and give negative effects to your foe. This area is to learn your abilities.


It's been too long since I played this game so I don't remember what to do.

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Make sure you and your party are equipped with the limited amount of armor and weapons available to you at this point.  Equipped items show on the diagram of your person.  Things that are just in your inventory are useless in combat.  It may not be much, but it will make a difference.  Like Randomize it has been a long time for me, but any character that is going to fight hand to hand should have at least a dagger, preferably better.  You Sorceress and Shaman should have a wand so that they can use ranged attacks in addition to the special abilities (spells) that they can cast.  Keep the Sorceress and Shaman away from close range and as Randomizer said, experiment with their special abilities now.  Also, the difficulty level is adjustable.

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