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I was considering getting Avernum since I loved Exile but after I downloaded the games I couldn’t get any of them to work. I’ve tried redownloading them but to no avail. I have tried changing the screen resolution change option but that hasn’t worked ether.


What happens is when I try to change my graphic in the character creation area the game freezes. It also freezes whenever I close a pop up box during game play. So I haven’t been able to play at all (a real bummer frown ).


My computer dell demission 2400

Intel CPU 2.66 (AMD is better laugh )

Sound Blaster Live 5.1

Integrated graphics with 3d support

Seagate 160GB


Any suggestions would be welcome.

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Originally written by Name-change roader:
—Alorael, who is sure that the reverse is also true without special software.

Okay, first of all try re-downloading. It's a pain if you have dial-up, but that's the first thing. Make sure you select the Windows version (the file should end in .zip).

Then install it using the default settings, and ALLOW it to change the resolution when you start it up. It will change it back when you quit.

If that doesn't work, try disabling the sound in the preferences window. I had a little trouble with sound (sure, it was a 486, but hey...), and make sure you're graphics card driver is up-to date. Since it seems to be a fairly new computer, everything should be fine there though...

I don't know. It has me flummoxed.
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Try running the game in compatbility mode. Select Windows 98 - that's probably the best. I expect you've already tried this, but it works.


You could also try this out, but it may not help you much. This version I KNOW works on XP. (It's just a setup file but hey.)




- Archmagus Micael

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Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons:
If none of that works, I'll just pick up a free, old computer from the college, put the game on it, and send it to you.

You just take care of the shipping. :p
*looks around to make sure nobody's watching*

Well now, where do you live - and how much would shipping be? laugh
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Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons:
If none of that works, I'll just pick up a free, old computer from the college, put the game on it, and send it to you.

You just take care of the shipping. :p
the pcs of my college really suck, well, there is some very decent new computers, XP 2nd edtion and everything.anyway the bad computers really work for steal their RAM card...a friend stole dozens of them...
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