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AEftP Mind / curse resistance

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I am running a single char that is currently at lvl 39. I have read that single chars are in danger of being stunned, so I have been frequently using Ward of Thought. I've also been collecting items increasing curse or mind resistance to be swapped for  standard equipment before facing a caster that is known to cast  lots of stunning and terrifying spells. Those items  take up a lot of space in  inventory, so I would like to know whether it is at all necessary to keep i.e. the Nullity Shield, the Cloak of the Burdened or the Mica Band.

I've been specializing on raising str and int with a few points in end, so does it make sense to keep the Girdle of Avoidance that raises dex by 2??

This is my fourth team, and I still have lots of ideas which combo to run next. Mr. Jeff Vogel, you are a genius.

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The 90% cap on resistances makes it impossible to avoid all mental/curse effects so look at your numbers and hope you don't get unlucky. I've run singletons through the remakes and just hope to avoid those problems especially when you get swarmed and pinned in place.


There is no best build or equipment choices so pick what works best with your playing style. If you aren't having troubles than stick with it.


Edit - 


Singleton discussion from my play throughs. I'd have to locate my old save games to look at equipment, but I tended to go with heavy armor and ones to boost action point chances and spell energy.

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It’s a good idea to get at least two characters (at the minimum) with the 6 in priest spells for Unshackle Mind. Also you can sometimes hide a priest behind a corner to unshackle safely. Unfortunately neither helps for a singleton.


Priest shade summons are immune to mind effects for whatever that’s worth. Divine Host might help with tanking them a bit.

Edited by Jawaj
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