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Does the game completely end in Avernum 3

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Avernum 1 and 2 have three different main quests that you can complete and still get to explore the caves. Avernum 4 has a final ending like Avernum 3 where you can't do anything more after you reach a certain point. No word on what happens at the end of Avernum 5 which is still be written.

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Registered BOA has no end. Each of the scenarios has an end but you can always download more. The only thing is that the scenario folder can't hold more than thiry scenarios which includes the tutorial but it isn't in the enter sceneario list.


Though if you still want to play A3 you can try it with all the different character types and a different number of characters on different difficulty settings.


If you reallly want a challenge try to compleatly solve all the plauges, slimes, roaches, trogdlytes, giants, golems. Also you can try rejecting help form Erika when you find her symbol in the slime pit . It makes the ending much harder but you might have more fun trying to do it without having Erika and others help you.

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Originally written by ginger8445:
Registered BOA has no end. Each of the scenarios has an end but you can always download more. The only thing is that the scenario folder can't hold more than thiry scenarios
Forty scenarios, not thirty. Not a big difference, but it's still a difference. That said, thank you, Ginger, for that advertising of BoA. More designers means more scenarios. More scenarios means more fun.
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