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Multiple Questions Relating to the End Of Avernum 1

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6. In the remote islands, there is an area blocked off by one barrier it is also near the Dragon's lair. You can only get to it by boat and I don't know what to do. BTW I have the Royal Seal and the ritual knowlegde. - I have gotten up to where I need to go somewhere to kill him. But then it says, my magic or something is not powerful enough and I need to learn something.... ??


10. Also Erica talks about needing brooches, what is that about? Does that have anything to do with leaving to kill Hawthorne? - Where are the brooches and how do you use them? I have 2 the Ivory and Malachite.

11. What do you use the Demonslayer sword for?


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Aydin is on an island north of the Giant Lands hidden by the blue mists. There is a pool that will let you past for a limited time. Aydin gives you how to get past an obstacle on the way to the teleporter and info on how to get there.


The path to the teleporter has some secret passages and one place where you need the Orb to fly over.

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9. Near the Waterfall Warrens. South of them, I think.


10. Yes, you'll need brooches to launch your daring attack on the Emperor. It is an extremely good idea to have all five.


[Edit: Don't let the tag hit[/i] you on the way out.]


—Alorael, who would not want to leave home without them. Or go home, as the case may be, except going home via the Final Gauntlet can actually go fine without brooches.

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1. The third password is in Patrick's Tower. I think that you have to cure his wife with graymold, but I'm not sure. I do know that it's there, though.


6. If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, you need to get enlightened. Look nearby.


9. The tip of Demonslayer is in the bottom of the Crypt of Drath, in the Scree Pits near Blosk and Fort Emerald.

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10. If you haven't read Erika's book the 5 brooches are in Motrax's cave, center of the Mertis spiral, Crypt of Drath (I think), Pyrog's cave, and the last involves a statue telling about the prisoner in Dharmon that stole it and then his partner flees to Mertis with it.


11. Demonslayer is supposed to help you with those demons. However most people don't want to use a two-handed weapon and you can easily get through the game without it. Consider it a trophy for completing all the quests to get the three parts and reforge it.


I think I did use it against Grah-hoth because it speeds up eliminating those annoying Mung demons. I hate when they dumbfound my spellcasters. Divine warrior spellcasters can blast through the other demons with range being the problem in taking them out.

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