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Forums Issues Resolved!


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Thank you all for your patience in dealing with the various bugs that have been plaguing the forums recently. You’ll be pleased to know that these issues should all now be resolved! All features that were previously broken or temporarily removed should now work as usual!


This includes logging in. If you’ve been avoiding logging in due to the problems with the sign-in process, do by all means join us once again!


While we’ve tested to ensure that features are now back to normal, there’s always a chance that there may still some teething bugs lurking. So, if you are still experiencing any problems, or some features do not seem to be working as intended, please do let us know!


These bugs appeared after a recent software update, and unfortunately were severe enough that we were not able to fix them directly. We needed to call in higher powers, which meant there was a slight delay in getting these issues fixed. Thank you again for your patience while waiting for these issues to be resolved!


These problems were fixed in the main down to the excellent work of Slarty (currently 'Sealing Librarian'), who works tirelessly behind the scenes to keep these forums running smoothly. This work is often unnoticed, and rarely receives much praise. So direct any thanks to him, not to me!

Keep up the good work, Slarty! :)

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