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Zhethron's Aerie - Tunnels Below


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OK, so I'm totally new to this title and Spiderweb games in general, but I must say I like this type of game since First Person perspective gives me headaches. I have a specific question related to the Topic Title and a few general questions as well.


First, I have a question about the Tunnels below Zhethron's Aerie. I've finished the Wretch Warrens and I had waited until after appeasing the dragon before stealing the Libram from his library for Miranda. I was about 8-9th Level and I am playing on Normal difficulty. I did manage to go through the tunnels and get out but these were the toughest battles I have had so far. Part of the problem was that I had Nathalie and since fire lizards and salamanders are immune to fire, she was kind of useless. She does have the lightning ability but with the cooldown issue she can only use it once per battle. I ended up using all the Lightning scrolls I have hoarded, the Bless stones, the wand of summoning and a whole hell of a lot of healing items. I'm basically left with a couple of wands of fire and one poison wand. And I didn't bother to explore all of the tunnels below because I wanted to get out as fast as I could. So that leads to the question: Before I go back to Avadon and report that Zhethron has been appeased, am I supposed to explore all of the tunnels below Zhethron's Aerie? Now that I don't have any charges left on the wand of summoning (without which I doubt I would have survived) I'm not sure my characters (Blademaster, Nathalie and Janell) would make it.


The uselessness of Nathalie against fire creatures brings up another question - so far I've seen three weapons she can use - the apprentice and sage rods and the magician's staff - but they are all fire based. Does she get any weapons (not talking about scrolls which get used up) that are NOT fire-based? Also I have not seen any missile weapons for her. Does she get any weapons I can put in her missile slot (or does it not matter since her rod/staff are basically missile weapons anyway)?


Buying and Selling - there are different price-points among the people you can trade with and the game is nice enough to tell you what is a rip-off and what is not. However I noticed that when selling, the selling price is a standard 20% of the stated value. Does this remain consistent? Does that ever increase? And can I ever get shopkeepers to lower their prices?


Also, do Nathalie and Shima's lockpicking skills stack? If I take both of them, will that reduce the number of lockpicks I need or will the game just select the highest skill?

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OK, so I'm totally new to this title and Spiderweb games in general, but I must say I like this type of game since First Person perspective gives me headaches. I have a specific question related to the Topic Title and a few general questions as well.


First, I have a question about the Tunnels below Zhethron's Aerie. I've finished the Wretch Warrens and I had waited until after appeasing the dragon before stealing the Libram from his library for Miranda. I was about 8-9th Level and I am playing on Normal difficulty. I did manage to go through the tunnels and get out but these were the toughest battles I have had so far. Part of the problem was that I had Nathalie and since fire lizards and salamanders are immune to fire, she was kind of useless. She does have the lightning ability but with the cooldown issue she can only use it once per battle. I ended up using all the Lightning scrolls I have hoarded, the Bless stones, the wand of summoning and a whole hell of a lot of healing items. I'm basically left with a couple of wands of fire and one poison wand. And I didn't bother to explore all of the tunnels below because I wanted to get out as fast as I could. So that leads to the question: Before I go back to Avadon and report that Zhethron has been appeased, am I supposed to explore all of the tunnels below Zhethron's Aerie? Now that I don't have any charges left on the wand of summoning (without which I doubt I would have survived) I'm not sure my characters (Blademaster, Nathalie and Janell) would make it.


Nah, some of those tunnels are really places to go back to a little later in the game; it's possible to clear them out early on, but not easy, as you discovered.


The uselessness of Nathalie against fire creatures brings up another question - so far I've seen three weapons she can use - the apprentice and sage rods and the magician's staff - but they are all fire based. Does she get any weapons (not talking about scrolls which get used up) that are NOT fire-based? Also I have not seen any missile weapons for her. Does she get any weapons I can put in her missile slot (or does it not matter since her rod/staff are basically missile weapons anyway)?


Nathalie can use bows just like Sevilin can, although unless you throw points into Dexterity at the expense of her spell-slinging potential she won't be great with them. Her basic magical attack is always fire-based, but if you level up the firebolt skill (bottom left in the skill tree) to level 6, you get access to an ice bolt ability.


Buying and Selling - there are different price-points among the people you can trade with and the game is nice enough to tell you what is a rip-off and what is not. However I noticed that when selling, the selling price is a standard 20% of the stated value. Does this remain consistent? Does that ever increase? And can I ever get shopkeepers to lower their prices?


Selling price is always the same. You can get some shopkeepers to lower their prices by intimidating them or pulling rank on them through dialogue; as far as I know, there's never a disadvantage to attempting to do this.

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Lock-picking skills do not stack. You only need to give this to one character, preferably one you have with you often.


As Nathalie levels up, she gets access to the most diverse range of damage types of any class. Give her a couple of offensive scarabs and build up her center and left columns, and eventually she'll almost never run out of non-fire attacks she can use. Meanwhile, at least fire-resistant creatures are relatively easy to spot. There are far more that are magic-resistant, and they won't necessarily be obvious. Jenell's main attack becomes disappointingly useless rather early in the game.

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Nah, some of those tunnels are really places to go back to a little later in the game; it's possible to clear them out early on, but not easy, as you discovered.




Nathalie can use bows just like Sevilin can, although unless you throw points into Dexterity at the expense of her spell-slinging potential she won't be great with them. Her basic magical attack is always fire-based, but if you level up the firebolt skill (bottom left in the skill tree) to level 6, you get access to an ice bolt ability.




Selling price is always the same. You can get some shopkeepers to lower their prices by intimidating them or pulling rank on them through dialogue; as far as I know, there's never a disadvantage to attempting to do this.


Great. You know, I'm so used to D&D based games where mages don't use bows that I never thought of putting a bow on Nathalie. I've only brought some of her skills on the left side to 3. I figure I'm going to need that Ice bolt if I go back to those tunnels.


Well. I've been very careful about ticking people off in this game since I don't know who is a Quest-giver or not. It's good to know that trying to pull rank has no repercussions. However I just ticked off Arilda in Dhorla Woods by stealing from her and she won't sell to me. Given that her prices are listed as "Exhorbitant" that doesn't bother me, but it just struck me that she might be a Quest giver and that is beginning to worry me.

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Lock-picking skills do not stack. You only need to give this to one character, preferably one you have with you often.


As Nathalie levels up, she gets access to the most diverse range of damage types of any class. Give her a couple of offensive scarabs and build up her center and left columns, and eventually she'll almost never run out of non-fire attacks she can use. Meanwhile, at least fire-resistant creatures are relatively easy to spot. There are far more that are magic-resistant, and they won't necessarily be obvious. Jenell's main attack becomes disappointingly useless rather early in the game.


One of the things I'm going to have to get used to in this game is that a lot of items don't seem to be class-specific. I originally had Janell pegged as a healer type but since anyone can use Group Heal scrolls and other healing items I don't think I am going to need a healing specific character. In fact due to the uselessness of Nathalie's fire attacks in the tunnels, I moved all the healing items and buffs to Nathalie and used Jenell to back up my main character in combat. I think I pretty much used her in ranged combat with a Steel Javelin and didn't use her main weapon much since she also had a sage rod which is fire based.

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Jenell's attack with the Sage Rod is not the same as Nathalie's attack with the sage rod. Jenell's is spirit claw which I believe is energy versus Nathalie's fire bolt and so different resistances pertain to them. A useful way to think of the staffs and rods that are equipped as weapons is that they are not the wands of this game, or the Rod/Staffs/Wands of D&D, they are a focus for the caster's innate powers and can improve the effectiveness of those powers, but they do not have any inherent power (like fire) of their own.


The Avadon series is far more class specific than the Exile/Avernum series, but you are correct in that scrolls and such are not class specific and anyone can heal. Jenell's ability to heal without burning up consumables can be useful, but many find her summoning ability most useful.

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Jenell's attack with the Sage Rod is not the same as Nathalie's attack with the sage rod. Jenell's is spirit claw which I believe is energy versus Nathalie's fire bolt and so different resistances pertain to them. A useful way to think of the staffs and rods that are equipped as weapons is that they are not the wands of this game, or the Rod/Staffs/Wands of D&D, they are a focus for the caster's innate powers and can improve the effectiveness of those powers, but they do not have any inherent power (like fire) of their own.


The Avadon series is far more class specific than the Exile/Avernum series, but you are correct in that scrolls and such are not class specific and anyone can heal. Jenell's ability to heal without burning up consumables can be useful, but many find her summoning ability most useful.


Hmm, I never bothered to check what kind of effects the rods and staves in Jenell's hands had - I just assumed that they were the same as Nathalie. Looks like there is a lot of different things about this game that I am going to have to learn. Thanks.

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If you mouse over the rod while Jenell has it, you'll see the damage type listed as 'energy'. The same weapon would do fire damage in Nathalie's hands.


Yeah I can see that now. While the setting for this game is fantasy, the way it works seems a lot different than most fantasy based computer games which derive from D&D. I picked it up precisely because the reviews for it panned the graphics while praising the storyline. As I've said before, first person perspective or even "over the shoulder" perspectives give me headaches which means the vast majority of current games are unplayable for me. This game's perspective reminds me of the Baldur's gate series and other D&D games that Bioware wrote during that period, none of which caused me nausea like the current games do. I'll definitely buy Avadon 2 once I finish this game. I only found out about Steam and Indie game developers a few years ago and for the most part I've been delighted. The big studios spend ridiculous amounts of money on graphics and their stories are getting poorer because of this - and I got ticked off some years ago after spending $100 on a new graphics card and when I tried to install a game from a major developer it just laughed at my new graphics card.

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