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Blades of Avernum II ??

Kingdom of West Brom

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Hey guys,


Really enjoying playing the new Avernum remake, was just wondering what people would say to a new Blades of Avernum one day using the new engine?


I loved Blades of Avernum and Exile and thought it was a masterstroke giving people the power to make and share scenarios and keep the company and games on our minds and I loved waiting for new scenarios to come out!




PS. 8 years ago as a lad I apparantly had the misfortune to produce an utterly dross scenario for Blades of Exile and I cant help having this consuming need to absolve myself by learning code and producing something good either for BOA or a future version!

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And consider the fan response to BoE. Jeff isn't lauded for producing the tools used to make many beloved scenarios. He's reviled for lack of support, for bugs that didn't get fixed, for flaws. He made BoA and it didn't sell and didn't get as many scenarios.


—Alorael, who wouldn't say never. That's a long time. He will say that it's not on the radar, and unlike the Exile sequel that eventually happened it's been actively and vigorously hurled as far away from anywhere that radar could reach as possible.

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