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Big McLargeHuge

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So, i saw yesterday that Geneforge is on GOG.com, are there plans to bring the rest of Spiderweb Software's games to GOG.com? I really hope so. The site is one of the best. I recently decided to stop buying from Steam, as i became more aware/experience more of the issues of DRM. Now i buy retail or GOG, or anything else as long as it's DRM free. Though i do prefer having a way of downloading the game again from GOG.com whenever i want should i lose the disc or break it.


So are there plans to bring the rest of the Spiderweb Software games to GOG.com?

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Well, I can see how they may add the Exile and first Aver trilogies, the nethergate games and maybe the first 3 geneforges that now have problems running on modern computers, but the newer games seem out of scope for GoG (as the name implies) so I don't know if you should expect those to be ported, they don't need GoGs magic touch. Anyway I'm glad someone took my suggestion from a while back to use their expertise of turning unplayable games (machine wise) into playable again smile

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Originally Posted By: Microsoft lacky
Well, I can see how they may add the Exile and first Aver trilogies, the nethergate games and maybe the first 3 geneforges that now have problems running on modern computers, but the newer games seem out of scope for GoG (as the name implies)
Actually, GoG does have some newer games.
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