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Any of your games have horses to ride?


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Avernum 3. Unfortunately, you still need to buy those, and speed, doesn't differ. But if you feel you have tormented the feet of your adventurers, feel free to buy a horse...


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave any remaining sanity lost at the door after getting a horse. You are welcome to take it back, but we recommend not to...



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I remember I lost my first set of horses in E3 to the

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cockroach factory. I took them inside, just as far as it would let me, then fought through the whole factory, set off the quickfire egg, exited the only way it would let me, and poof. Factory was gone along with my horses.
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Originally Posted By: Rowen is to Young for all this
I remember I lost my first set of horses in E3 to the
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cockroach factory. I took them inside, just as far as it would let me, then fought through the whole factory, set off the quickfire egg, exited the only way it would let me, and poof. Factory was gone along with my horses.
I've lost many fine horses there.
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