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Yeah, these drives me insane...


He wants me to run him over by my dad's car...

So yeah, I was laughing at this site, swearing like there is no tommorow, when suddenly, I saw Geneforge 4 there. I was like,


Just, seriously, WTF is that all about? I'm going to bring that site down starting NOW!


-You just touched a nerve, Nightwatcher

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Originally Posted By: JamesMighty
And if we feel like it, we can hit them with some copyright bull %#*@ and everything will be fine

Same thinking, although, it is a trolling site, it was too late, I read the Geneforge 4 bull!@#$ review and I almost wanted to run the owner by a GMC. I don't really care if he trolls about GF4, but he did told that the creator (which is Jeff) had no real idea and took a ripoff from Star Wars, that was too far from Star Wars. They rebelled because, they realized that they should be treated fairly, in Star Wars, Sidous was the real evil, who disguised as Chancellor Palpatine and took over the galaxy. Was that similar?
-char_insanity_level=0 //0 is considered as infinite, Nightwatcher
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