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Before I sold my xbox for ten bucks, and got grounded, I had a wide selection of games. They were all so damn awesome. Here are some of them.



Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic. With the 9 characters to choose to take with you, the upgradable force powers, and the weapons, AND the enemies, AND the puzzles, AND the explorableness, AND the outfits, This is likely the best game ever. The five planets, Tatooine and the wookie planet being there from the movies, were awesome. Then the Jedi planet. Then the sith planet. Then a moon. And finally, your space ship. The mini games were excellent. On your way to a different planet, you would be attacked by ships. You got to control a gun on your ship and shoot down the others. The graphics and plot were just an epic win.



Thief was a great game to me. The graphics were nice, and the plot too. This game is about Garret, a thief. The weapons are excellent, with bow and arrows, different kind of arrows, such as water arrows to put out torches, gas arrows to knock people out, and fire arrows to light torches. You have flash bombs, oil flasks, a club, and a dagger. You are the ultimate thief. And with garrets mechanical eye, you can see far away and in the dark. The provinces and areas are great, as are the factions, Pagen, and Hammerhead.


Now then, these games rule. They are put more depth in than many games these days. Including the Grand Theft Auto Games. If anyone has played these games, say so here. These are the games I am intrested in. Games with story lines, and explorableness that exceeds expectations. Does anyone have a game like this that they can recomend me to buy? I only have a ps3 now, by the way.

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The Halo series is the best that I've played on the XBox. It has a well-made storyline, a way to create your own maps, a survival mode (Firefight), relatively well-balanced gameplay (although being in Forge mode with a Grid spinning @ 45 degree rotation snap is nearly unstoppable tongue ), and fun, replay-worthy features.

Of course, I only play XBox when I'm at my friends' houses, because PC gaming is how I roll. I still play CoD4 on the PC, and so do many people.


Post #XXII of the challenge

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I forgot halo.



Halo 2 was an excellent game. The secrets, such as the Scarab plasma rifle, and the skulls, make the game rule. The vheicles such as the Scorpion, Warthog, and the Banshee. The following vehicles are my favorite.


Banshee:The Banshee constitutes the main bulk of the Covenant air force. It is light, easily operable and highly maneuverable, a skilled operator may even be able to dodge a locked rocket. Armament comes in the form of two plasma cannons mounted on the underside of the craft along with a fuel rod cannon (fired using 'B') which is only available in the single player campaign.


Ghost:The quad bike of the Covanent, is very adgile and can rip up the length of most Maps with ease; it sports dual plasma cannons for taking on your enemy, though the pay off here is the loss of speed whilst firing. You will also note that if you get stuck in between objects it is difficult to get out alive; especially against several opponents firing upon you.


And ofcourse, last, but CERTAINLY not least,


As you'd expect from its bulky appearance, the Wraith is heavy and slow. It's heavily armoured exterior can even withstand a blow from a Rocket Launcher or Gauss Cannon. It can spin on its axis, boost for very short periods (making it easy to splatter opponents) and launch its devastating mortar cannon in huge arcs. Definitely a force to be reckoned with.

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PC gaming is where it's at. I could go on and on about why console gaming is inferior, but I don't want to drift this thread for no reason.


That being said, Mount&Blade, StarCraft (1 and 2), Unreal Tournament (2004 and 3), Battle for Wesnoth, Team Fortress 2, Dwarf Fortress, X^2, and of course Blades.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
I agree with Sy- the PC is infinitely better than the 360. Vastly superior graphics, better Interface, a much wider selection of games, and multiplayer userbases that aren't 85% 14-year olds.

An issue with the PC is that a lot of its modern library is composed of mediocre ports of Xbox titles, most of which maintain the authentic Xbox experience.

That said, KotOR is my favorite Xbox title.
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Plenty of PC titles make it to console with suboptimal ports too. It's just the way of the world.


—Alorael, who will note that KotOR seemed to be ported half-heartedly to PC, didn't take advantage of many of the benefits of the mouse, and was still probably more fun on PC than XBox.

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