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MMXPERT was sharing the fact that he likes the game, but doesn't like the fact that, when training, one must spend either all their skill points, or none, before returning to the game. In older Spiderweb games, skills had variable, and increasing, costs, so it was possible to save skill points between levels in order to buy more expensive skills later on.


I don't really see this as an issue in A:EftP though; It's pretty clear where I want my points to go, and if I'm ever in any doubt holding off an training for a while isn't that big a thing.

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How did you read his mind?


Yeah, that was one of my problem once. But too minor a problem. It started in Avadon too. But I don't to nag about skill points when YOU CAN HAVE UNLIMITED POWER WITH SCRIPTS!!!


-Scripting power, Rehctawthgin

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