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some ideas...


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well err?... i wanted to write this earlier but i was a little drunk so?.. anyway.. i always liked jeff vogel's games ever since i played that demo exile 3 more than 10 years ago. i find these games very interesting not only because of the stories but i think maybe there's something to be learned from them?.. so like.. there's always this big invincible thing called the Empire and the little thing called avernum or stuff. or just different factions. but err?.. i think maybe there can still be minor improvements?


if i were to make a big game i'd put more philosophy in it - something to make your head think. let's say i'd replace factions with religions or something.. i'd add tarot, numerology - btw.. these things right here?.. tarot and numerology?.. they can be implemented right here right now.. on computers.. i don't give a crap for anybody who believes otherwise - i've seen tarot and numerology in action.. they NEVER fail.. if you think that's a fail? you fail.. i gathered 30+ ebooks only about tarot and numerology because i wanted to implement them on my website.. but err?.. i been busy with university and all that. so far all i done in my website is biorythm analysis.. http://prieteni.unlimitedhost.tk so this little thingy the biorythm isn't much of a deal really - it's like a tiny miny horoscope or whatever.. it tells you different err?.. "stats".. like physical, mental, emotional, intuition, perception, spiritual etc given only your date of birth and current date. and i was thinking?.. maybe you could implement this stuff in a game?... like.. in certain days you're stronger (if physical score higher) or you can cast better spells (if mental score +). also you could crack up on numerology... say this.. so like.. the player can choose a name for his character - and the computer uses numerology to calculate the player's starting stats given the name. or... if you do important stuff?.. you can unlock names of power - change your name.. get stronger and sh*t... anyway.. and yes.. you could put some item recipes?.. like create new weapons equipment and stuff?


also i was thinking about a different game concept entirely.. instead of all this fighting and stuff?.. how about a game about err?.. well?... ehh? about life?.. like Fahrenheit - there's this crazy [redacted] dude who gets in all kind of trouble and sh*t.. but i mean don't make random events in the game.. find an interesting guy. get his life story and put it in the game. a game where people can really learn something you know? ok i think that's all i wanted to say for now. the cat won't let me type anyway.. i think i'll get drunk again and play more avadon.. wtf...

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All right, my mod hat is on.


mad_dog_killa: Take note of the link that says Code of Conduct at the top of the message board. It has all the rules for posting right there. Click here, take a few moments, and read it. Take particular note that is disallows any form of profanity and attacks on other members. As long as you're willing to obey these rules, you are more than welcome to stay and continue posting. If you disagree with the rules, then the Spiderweb message board really isn't a good fit for you.


Voyager (and everyone else): Your point has been made. Now it's time to back off. The rule against harrassing and embarrassing members applies to everyone.



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you know the code of conduct was the first thing i read before posting anything. i had previous experiences with other forums and online games which all ended bad for me! but why am i to blame?... what did i do wrong to get trolled?.. this is how i think ok?.. i don't want to change myself only so that others can agree with me?.. honestly?!.. i think i'm superior to everybody else. i'm not superior with muscles! or just because i'd be smarter.. i'm unique in my own ways. and i don't need to prove myself to anybody.


yeah... i'm ME! and that's how a real player's got to be!

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For one thing, you have been swearing at other members and insulting them. This is not something we allow on these boards. If you refrain from this kind of behavior, you are more than welcome to post here. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone, but you do need to abide by our rules.

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I don't think it's the content (aside from the not really disguised cussing) that's the issue - the aggression makes it seem like you want a fight..


for what it's worth, I wasn't making fun of your beliefs, and I think you'll find many around here (myself included) value difference and foreign perspectives (even if we disagree); if you want respect, treat others that way and earn it, otherwise comfort yourself with your sense of superiority (something everyone should have some degree of, probably)


the ideas come across a little rough, and a little confrontational, but that may be the drunkenness (happens to the best of us)..


I know the Tactics Ogre games on playstation had some horoscope-type interaction in character creation, which had some effect on the game, but that's the closest i can think of; i think it may have included biorythm, to a certain extent, but it was more of a change in luck than a modifier of stats.. I remember liking it, in a strategy game it gives a good reason to have a diverse party, so that characters could be switched out on their bad days

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what?.. so you're saying that because i'd be drunk i don't judge clearly?.. well right now i'm very sober. i can feel all my body so i'm not drunk but i got a little headache so i'm not sure i'll drink more today. and even when i get drunk i never say/do things to regret later, i never act on impulse i'm always thinking cool as a shaolin monk..


and err?.. that thing you're saying? respect others to be respected?.. that sounds like a typical american thing to me. i heard that crap before. more like "don't judge others or you'll be judged as well" what?.. i'm perfect.. why would i be scared to be judged by others?.. i got a mind of my own. why i'm not allowed to think freely? my respect has to be earned - it's not something i give freely to others just because they exist. a mad dog exists too - should i respect it because it wants to bite me? hell no.. i bought myself a Shrapnel Testudo knife! with thick black blade.. and you know what for?.. yeah.. to kill community dogs! i killed 3 so far but none with the new knife.. when it gets colder and police cars won't patroll so often in my neighbourhood i'ma go out hunting! i been attacked by dogs as far as i can remember.. first time it happened when i was 12, and this crazy dog hit me in the face with its paw and scratched my nose after i gave him food.. it could've blinded me.. i don't care what anybody else thinks - this winter i'ma go kill some dogs.. 2 months ago i was bitten by a dog for the first time. luckily he only bit my shoe.. lucky for him, that is.. anyway vengeance will be mine

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FWIW, I was laughing not so much at your beliefs as at the rambling nature of the post. I briefly wondered if you were a particularly brilliant spambot.


However, I was clearly out of line and I should have known better. I'm sorry.


Would you like to retract the statements you made here and via PM?


Edit: Yikes, I did not see the previous post before I posted this. Forget it, I'm out of this thread.

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The Code of Conduct also prohibits discussion of illegal activities, and that includes killing dogs. Please don't bring it up again. We will not tolerate further infractions of the rules of these boards.


—Alorael, who has seen time-based changes in stats implemented well. That could be included in Spiderweb games, but it would need some impetus to force players to do things at non-optimal times rather than just wait them out. He'd rather have tarot-based stats if the choice of the spread. Tarot could also be a kind of randomization before battle, but it would have to serve a purpose other than simple randomization, because that just causes unpredictable spikes and dips in difficulty.

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Click to reveal..
There are times when you are suckered in by drugs and alcohol

and sex with women, mmkay.

But it's when you do these things too much, that you become an addict

and must get back in touch.


You can do it, it's all up to you, mmkay.

With a little plan you can change your life today....

You don't have to spend your life addicted to smack,

Homeless on the street, givin' handjobs for crack.

Follow my plan and very soon you will say

It's easy mmkay.


Step one, instead of ass say buns, like kiss my buns or you're a bunshole

Step two, instead of [censored] say poo as in bull poo,

poo head and this poo is cold

Step three, with [censored] drop the T cause "bich" is latin for generosity.

Step four, don't say

[censored] anymore,


[censored] is the worst word that you can say.

So Just use the word "mmmkay"


We can do it, it's all up to us, mmmkay.

With a little plan we can change our lives today

We don't have to spend our lives shooting up in the trash

homeless on the street, giving handjobs for cash

Follow this plan and very soon you will say

it's easy mmkay


Step one, instead of ass say buns, like kiss my buns or you're a bunshole

Step two, instead of [censored] say poo as in bull poo,

poo head and this poo is cold

Step three, with [censored] drop the T cause "bich" is latin for generosity

Step four, don't say

[censored] anymore,


[censored] is the worst word that you can say.

[censored] is the worst word that you can say.

No we shouldn't say


no we shouldn't say


[censored] No.


You're cured you can go!


We don't have to spend our lives shooting up in the trash

homeless on the streeet giving handjobs for cash

Follow his plan and very soon you will say.

it's easy mmkay (repeat till end)

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Originally Posted By: Reverse the molarity!
The Code of Conduct also prohibits discussion of illegal activities, and that includes killing dogs. Please don't bring it up again. We will not tolerate further infractions of the rules of these boards.

—Alorael, who has seen time-based changes in stats implemented well. That could be included in Spiderweb games, but it would need some impetus to force players to do things at non-optimal times rather than just wait them out. He'd rather have tarot-based stats if the choice of the spread. Tarot could also be a kind of randomization before battle, but it would have to serve a purpose other than simple randomization, because that just causes unpredictable spikes and dips in difficulty.

dude so like errr?... ehhh? tarot? isn't? random? i mean.. if it were random why would i bother with it. the interesting part is that it has been implemented into software which err?.. which really work you know?... i read that the explanation why it works is based on the numbers theory just like numerology. so you heard of Pitagoras? he created this theory of numbers man.. he reached the conclusion that "everything is a number". that's why he created numerology - with this art you can find lots of things about persons only if you know their full name at birth and date of birth. you can find stuff about the past, the future whatever. it's all about some mathemathical algorithms. i got a 65 page report from decoz numerology and what i read there about myself is really all true. i tried about other people as well. there's also compatibility analysis in numerology but i only got a single book about it called Lovestrology.. i didn't bother to begin reading it thou. i think that if you'd manage to implement this stuff in a game?.. not only it would be a great success thanks in part to the curiosity it would create. but it would also serve as education man. people would want to research more about these topics which have been mocked by the mass media
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1. Veiled insults are not any more constructive.


2. Unhelpful and a double post.


3. Good question. I'll fix that.


4. You yourself are trolling. Knock it off.


—Alorael, who does not want anyone to think that one person's poor behavior is a license to behave poorly back.

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Originally Posted By: Reverse the molarity!
Tarot could also be a kind of randomization before battle, but it would have to serve a purpose other than simple randomization, because that just causes unpredictable spikes and dips in difficulty.

Do you mean something along the lines of "The Deck of Many Things" in D&D? Personally, I think a game with unpredictable spikes and dips could make for interesting game play and add replay value. Perhaps in a setting where something is fundamentally wrong with reality, and the fundamental physical laws are liable to change up on you at any moment. (...This has probably been done.)
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Randomization generally works best when things are randomized, heavily, though. Take roguelikes like Angband: sometimes you get a level that has trivial enemies and free loot, and other times you get dropped through a trap door into a room full of monsters and die in short order. It's fun, but it doesn't work anything like a Spiderweb RPG.


If a battle is pre-designed, it should be balanced. Maybe it's intended to be hard, or easy, or hard when you first reach it but much easier if you level up and try again later in the game. It would be fine to stumble into a fight in which you suddenly have no magic, or where you have restrictions on your effectiveness. That's a staple of interesting fights. It's having the challenges put in randomly that would make them tough: what if you get the "reduced physical damage" random setting when facing the enemy who's naturally immune to magic? What if you get "double all damage taken and dealt" against an enemy who can now kill party members in a single hit, taking him from tough to impossible?


—Alorael, who thinks a game about nothing being as it appears, and using that to drive a strong plot, would have to have very careful about randomizing basic parameters of the game. It could be done, but it would have to be done with attention paid to all possible interactions.

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Number theory: a branch of mathematics.


Numerology: a branch of mysticism and prediction, to be charitable; a branch of superstition, to be less so.


Not actually the same thing, nor have they been since...Pythagoras, really. One involves manipulating numbers and considering their relationships to one another; the other involves attributing human or cosmic significance to them.


@Alorael: Persona 3 and 4 use shuffled tarot cards as a way to randomize treasure/experience rewards after battles.


I think randomized challenges in areas can be fun, provided they aren't most of the game. Think Item Worlds in the Disgaea series: a largely optional set of areas that require players to quickly adapt to a widely varying set of battle conditions. At least this way, if you get really unlucky, it doesn't hinder your progress through the main campaign.

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