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Global economic September

Student of Trinity

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Well Italy scared the world for a few days that it would become the next Greece and might default on it's debt. Not that I would mind as much since China has been buying it up. So the economic world shuddered and markets fluctuated in uncertainty.


Back in the good old days of the 1980s it was Third World nations that borrowed and defaulted, but now the problems are coming from the established nations of the First World that have failed to keep their houses in order and assumed prosperity was just around the corner and the next boom would solve their problems.


No one wants to pay their debts, from defaults on mortgages, government debt, or even student loans. The great economic boom that was supposed to come hasn't arrived to raise incomes and provide the jobs and money to pay off the debts.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
No one wants to pay their debts, from defaults on mortgages, government debt, or even student loans. The great economic boom that was supposed to come hasn't arrived to raise incomes and provide the jobs and money to pay off the debts.

To the contrary, I'd say that just about everyone wants to pay their debts, or at least lower them to reasonable levels. In the United States, that is the sole reason that the Tea Party has had such success, to the extent we can simplify a movement to one sole reason. On the other side of the spectrum, Occupy Wall Street is just as infuriated that the 1% of American financial hierarchy get their debts wiped clean after their Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac operations all collapsed, while the banks foreclosed on people after their sub-prime mortgages fell through.

Debt relations form a fascinating engine of historical development. For a much more in-depth analysis on this, I'd recommend Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber. How society deals with the clash over debt relations between people this time around, I feel, will set the tone for sociopolitical atmospheres for a long time.
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Harehunter: No. I was really just wanted to bring up biological pathways.
You can be quite punny when you choose to. I liked how you embedded a very neatly coined word "logicule" with "bio", but I got distracted by Alorael's reference to Plath. I, too, Googled the name, hit Wikipedia, saw the reference to her depression and suicide, hit another link to "neuroticpoets" and found that quotation embedded in the background image. Since depression is a sickness of the mind, a biological miracle, capable of logic (or in my case, ill-logic), that was my tie back to the first bit. Add to that your word "Plathway" (def. a path of investigation about a poet named Plath); hence my proselet.

As for the company we find ourselves in, I think we have a pretty good crowd here. I especially like the depth and range of topics that are discussed here. In the course of our discourses, I have also probed at the boundaries, not for the purpose of making people feel uncomfortable, but to provoke thought about why certain boundaries are there, specifically the boundaries we place around ourselves to divide us into sects, castes, or (dare I say it) ethnic groups. Historical events are often used as justification for segregating ourselves into groups of people who share that history. It is good to remember history, lest we find ourselves going down a path that is harmful to our society; but to let it continue to divide us, generation after generation, benefits no one. This applies to the history of other lands, not just the U.S. I totally support diversity in our society, but it saddens me when these divisions are created and used (exploited) for the personal gain of certain individuals.

Political Correctness does have its beneficial effects in trying to ease those barriers down, but like so many other things have had a need to correct a wrong, it gets abused all to often, and for reasons that, for the life of me, I fail to comprehend. Let us be civil to each other, and respectful. It is good to have differences of opinion and to share them. That is how we learn and develop our society.

Thus endeth my time upon the soap box.
I wish you well, and send a grateful Thank You to the Veterans who have fought, and died, to protect the freedom we now share. That includes our friends across the pond, and our friends down under.
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Not a pun.

Originally Posted By: Harehunter
As for the company we find ourselves in...

Alec and TM are not here and haven't been for years. I was referring to Actaeon's comparison and not the company I am actually in on these boards. And for crying out loud, Polonius.

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