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Triple Slartifer, Part 3

Mea Tulpa

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"slartifer! slartifer! slartifer!"


We shall continue in our attempt to banish the 331, now 332, soon to be 333 names of slartifer.


Below, you will find a list of 40 PDNs (chronological) and 40 crossword-style clues (alphabetical). These are the next 40 PDN changes. At this point the changing was in full swing so this covers less than 2 months after the DLWH#2.


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive 1 point per reference correctly identified. Points will accumulate until all 333 names have been banished; and yes, there will be a prize at the end for the highest point totals.


What is the secret?

What is the secret

to simplicity, to

the pure and

simple life?

Are our appetites,

our desires

undermining us?

Is the cart

in front of

the horse?

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  • Replies 121
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Top Posters In This Topic

118. Power Card v. Infinite Start — To straighten things out is

119. L'Enfer des Formes — The world around us, to an immaterialist

120. Les Autres — L'Enfer

121. Paperwork Crane — Government origami?

122. Mirror Ball-and-Chain — Weapon for Donna Summer, perhaps

123. Mighty State of Queen Fragg — Hysteria

124. Uninspiral — Blasé concatenation

125. Crucible of Words — You may play puns from your graveyard

126. Dark and Starstormy — A beginning for Poo

127. Principia Iridia — Manifesto pertaining to Lufia's alter ego's alter ego

128. Forest for the Sticklers — Bean counter habitat

129. Grey Bent and Wizened Tableau — Wizard on a bridge

130. Kernel Plotter — Sherman as protagonist

131. Iron Spiralite — Fools' Recursives

132. Fugitive of Consciousness — The madwoman in the attic, perhaps

133. Peripathetic — RTFM?

134. Crise de Signification — When paradigms fail

135. Stop the Room, Please — Dizzy plea

136. Glitch My Asthma — Amazon Frail

137. Banks of the Hyperspeed Stream — Reminescent of System's Twilight and Finnegans Wake

138. Swampshedding in Broad Daylight — The first step is admitting you have a problem

139. A Hyperlink to the Past — Marked a beta of the Board History

140. Burning Pleasures — First member: Benjamin Franklin

141. Anything Left to Parade — After a pleasant chat with the princesses

142. Displacer Feast — "Because you are… IDIOT! Zee! It IS NOT moving!"

143. Obsessieve-Complosive — Search and Destroy disorder

144. Sloop Sigmund F — This is the worst couch I've ever been on

145. Nom Prochain et Enchaîné — A parade of PDNs like prisoners

146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné — Struggle of the neurotic

147. Monied Hexes and Parselmouths — Delphi

148. Greps of Wrath — What they did to Harry's wand, e.g.

149. Cosmic Containment Unix — Marvellous Magus launches C war

150. 5000 Heads of Dr. T-Bone — He and She goes on beyond Seuss

151. Zero's Therapy — Multiplication improved his self-esteem

152. Tetujin and Tonic — Melenam specialties

153. Tri-Consonantal Rout — Distinctly Semitic victory

154. Trottoisie — Sidewalk class

155. Bloodpoolrad — Master, we will build Phlan as you command

156. Reflexive and Heady Evasion — Alcoholism

157. Brutus Bootless Kneel — Conspirators' strongest plea

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125. Crucible of Words -- You may play puns from your graveyard

(Yet Another Magic Pun)


145. Nom Prochain et Enchaîné -- A parade of PDNs like prisoners

(Basic knowledge of French to the rescue!)


126. Dark and Starstormy -- A beginning for Poo

(Bulwer-Lytton meets EarthBound; fun fact, only exposed to this game due to the Video Game Characters Death Match)

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138: First member: Bejamin Franklin. Ben was known to go swimming naked in the river in broad daylight.


129: Wizard on a Bridge: I'm presuming this refers tot he scene in LOTR where Gandalf is on the bridge in Moria. I may be underthinking this one.


119: Bean counter habitat: L'Enfer translates as Hell, and Formes as, obviously, Forms. A hell of forms is no doubt where a minor bureaucrat works.


I'll post some more later.

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134 is Marked a beta of the Board History, I'm presuming that Crise de Signification refers to the time Drakey refused to bestow upon Alorael a custom title to "signify" his.. whatever it is titles signify, and thus the resulting crisis resulted in Alo's quirk or renaming himself daily in protest.

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130 is Marvelous Magus Launches C war- C, and its derivatives C++ and C# are all programming languages, and Kernel Plotter is a computer graphing utility that, as a guess, is programmed in C.


EDIT: 143 is Search and Destroy Disorder, it's a play on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and -plosive from explosive.

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153 - YES (Not just Hebrew, but most Semitic languages)



125 - YES

145 - YES

126 - YES (I hope you played it. Man, one of the best games ever made.)



138 - NO

129 - YES ("...but still Gandalf could be seen, glimmering in the gloom; he seemed small, and altogether alone: grey and bent, like a wizened tree before the onset of a storm.")

119 - NO



122 - YES



121 - YES

147 - NO



157 - YES! (But actually, it's Caesar's response to Decius when he tries to plead his case after Brutus has done so. "Doth not Brutus bootless kneel?" If Brutus didn't make it happen, good luck, chump! But I agree, it's one of his best plays.)



135 - YES

121 - YES

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Nikki and anyone else: my suggestion is to just ignore everyone else's posts for now and look at the list. As I've mentioned, I will give credit for reasonable overlap times, so you don't risk much by doing that.

You haven't actually edited the list down any, so it's difficult to tell what has been used and what hasn't. You might want to do that, it's getting confusing.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I just did. I am not, however, editing it every 1 minute when there is an update, because I am not insane.

Well, you are having random forum members match your inane former names to crossword-style clues, so the jury's still out on that one wink

Agreed. What does it say about you guys that you're actually doing it? Heh heh.
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