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  • 4 months later...

1) Do the Hunter's Eye and Hunter's Blade improve only the player's character, or all characters in the party?


2) Are these items essentially useless to a Sorceress using a staff/rod and magical abilities, or do 'magical missile' attacks count as 'missile attacks'?


Apologies if this has been asked & answered already. I tried to search for the appropriate thread.

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1) All characters, I believe. It shows up as a special item.


2) I think it is just bows. Sorceresses and Shamans can use bows and javelins respectively, and this is useful when dealing with abundant fire and magic immune creatures that become more common as the game progresses. I think I've seen analysis claiming the javelin was actually the best weapon for a shaman if you invest in very high dexterity.

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On me (pc 1.0 version) Jenell can't equip bow (Longbow, Sage Bow, Black Oak Bow) and Cordelia can't equip javelin (tried several which party has gotten during adventures).


I won't believe otherwise until some1 posts pic with Cordelia having javelin and Jenell having bow and even then I suspect photoshopping.

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And razordisks, for completeness' sake.


—Alorael, who realizes they don't fit in the parameters of the original question. But this post will spare someone else from not reading closely enough and asking that question. Everything that goes in the main weapon slot is unaffected, be it a sword, a spear, or a long, straight, magic-shooting thing. Anything thrown or shot from a bow is fair game for improvement.

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