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You do realize the Pachelbel's canon doesn't really exist as a piece, per se, but rather a string of notes that sound good together? D A D G B D G A, IIRC. What you're supposed to do is take those notes and then work through progressively complex harmonizations until you can't manage any further levels of complexity.


It was a piece designed for practice, like Hanon, not to be performed. And then of course Ordinary People had to go use it as their soundtrack, but I guess that that fault can be excused since it's such a good film anyways.

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Are you pulling this from anywhere? To the best of my knowledge, the Canon in D was a piece of music, specifically a canon, written by Johann Pachelbel to be performed. It was scored for specific instruments to play the canon in a specific order, and the variations are explicitly written out in order as well.


—Alorael, who would not feel uncomfortable saying that most music is some notes that sound good together and ornamentation and harmonization that goes along with it. That's the backbone of a whole lot of music. Coming up with very good ornamentation and dynamics is a large part of composing.

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I am pulling it from somewhere- I heard it off of WFMT some time ago. I suppose it must have been unreasonable for me to have believed information about classical music coming from a classical music radio station, though. I should have remembered the convention here and validated this vanishingly trivial piece of information from at least five different reputable, peer-revied sources, properly bibliographically sourced and cited, and cross-verified the information by at least three experts in the field before posting.


I must be slipping, such lax behavior will not happen again.

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Well, the other option is to go weaselly. Say things like, "I think I heard somewhere ..." instead of "You do realize ...". Then you can admit error with very little chalance.


And since most people don't really keep track of how many of your factoids are prefaced by vague disclaimers, your reputation as a fount of infotainment will still grow. After all, we really just want the feeling of learning; actual learning itself adds unnecessary complications. Viva wikipedia.

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That actually could be a researched and thorough opinion. Pachelbel is only relatively recently rediscovered, and it wouldn't surprise me if more information were coming to light, or if scholars disagreed about the provenance and purpose of his works. I'd actually be least surprised if the canon turned out to be something like Telemann's methodical sonatas: an exercise intended to be played, but also intended to teach something to the player in the process of learning it. In this case, proper layering of ornamentation and buildup in a canon.


—Alorael, who likes the feeling of learning with or without actual retention of information. Unfortunately, he has not learned French, with or without retention.

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