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Profiteering: a fairy story

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The following was more often told by the detractors of the Shapers than the supporters, and is set in the same year as the abandonment of Sucia.


Once upon a time....


When the Shaper empire was still expanding, that is....


There were three friends. No. Strike that. They were colleagues, nothing more. Most of their relationship consisted of attempts to outdo each other--but we'll get there. They were Shaper Akedva, Guardian Lankin, and Agent Ytheld. (duh)


They received orders to capture a hill fort, and were happy to comply. They gathered up a score or so of willing outsiders, and headed off east. They arrived at the objective at noon, and found it to be, not just a puny motte and bailey, but a full-fledged stone castle. Their hearts sank at the sight, but each knew that here was the ultimate chance to forever outshine the others.


Guardian Lankin rounded up ten men, and marched up to the gate. Half an hour of Shaping, half an hour of waiting, and the gate lay in ruins, while one man pulled splinters out of the furry paws of a trio of battle betas. sleep Then Lankin Charged in. He led his small company from the front, disemboweling his foes with the steely point of a glittering broadsword. But he left his men far behind, and was surrounded and subdued.


By then it was late afternoon. Akedva took what wa left of the men, and went up to the gates. they were still in ruins, but this time, the men in the gatehouse had the good sense to drop the portcullis. It was a wood portcullis, and after a wash of flame and a respite, the portcullis was no more. Then he and his party entered the courtyard. They charged in, and Akedva was careful to lead from the back, and heal his allies, and prevent them from being disemboweled with the steely points of glittering broadswords. But that had its drawbacks, too. He was ambushed from behind and before he could do anything about it, he had a knife blade at his throat and was ordered to come quietly.


By then it was late night. Ytheld waited a good long time, but finally headed up the hill herself. Due to the lack of a gate, the arch was full of soldiers, standing practically shoulder to shoulder. She smirked at the sight and went around back to the postern door, whence she picked a brace of locks, bribed a pair of sentries, and made her way down to the cesspit. She rigged the entire castle to blow up at a single command, and made her way up to the feast hall, where the lord of the castle was celebrating his victory. In the hour that followed, Ytheld extorted the lives of her--colleagues--,a respectable sum of money, and the lord's allegiance to the Shapers.


Moral: invest in Mechanics and Leadership.

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Originally Posted By: Tirien
I have to wonder why the shaper had no creations with him. The lack of creations is the only reason he got captured, which only proves that you should have a swarm of creations with you.

We assume that they fell in with his battalion.
Plus, you have to understand that this was entirely off the cuff.
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