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getting destroyed in sentinel complex


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well, everyone has probably moved on to 6 :-) but just in case there's still someone reading the 5 forum.


characters are level 15/16 and while I'm not min-maxing I have read through many character build threads so I think they're relatively well put together chars. Running normal.


The teleporter area is just killing me. The ranged attacks do so much damage that I just can't get through without losing characters. then of course, there's no way out. I just can't seem to dish out enough damage to keep the fight even remotely even without running out of resources.


so assuming that my character level is where it should be, can someone take pity on me and provide strategy advice ?


I'm trying to finish the whole game this time. Last time I gave up because i was, well getting destroyed all the time, and I stopped having fun...


Thanks for listening :-)

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get out there with or w/o cheating (told at here http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=216030#Post216030) and get your chars to higher and use skillpoints to increase your health etc, and when you go back then send fighters to close combat on sentinel and keep casters back healing etc fighters and repeat same on next sentinel. also try to buff whole party before you go into fight.


post your party stats and equipment here.

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learn the sentinel weaknesses and equip accordingly if possible, don't turn off combat mode after buffing for anything but first aid, use haste when crossing bridges, preferably move in turtle formation and stick to fighting in narrow and walled corridors, use strike and retreat (run away from golem until it stops pursuing, end combat wait one turn for first aid and resume combat) tactics when possible and keep your mages and priests out of explosion radius of worker golems (preferably send the fighters forwards while leaving both the mage and priest behind a wall, they will still be able to heal and haste but not bless, augment or protect).

For more specific advice you will have to post your troop stats.

I used a duo, so I'm not sure how exactly it works with four as you need more mana in order to maintain the haste condition.

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It sounds as though you don't have enough fire/cold resistance. I would suggest going through your item hoard and equipping as many fire/cold resistance items as is reasonable. If you completed everything in the game up to this point, you should have something along the lines of:


Chilling band (+15% fire resistance) (If you cashed in the Rat Lord quest with Goodman Wolf first in Harston)

Ruby breastplate (+8% fire resistance)

Coated cloak (+5% fire resistance)

Polar fur cloak (+5% cold resistance)

Shield of warmth (+5% cold resistance)

Drakeskin bracers (+2% fire resistance)

Slith bloodspear (+10% fire resistance)

Ruby necklace (+5% fire resistance)

Shining silver band (+7 cold resistance)

Woven silk robe (+10% fire resistance)

Aranea silk tunic (+8% fire resistance)

Thick wool tunic (+5% cold resistance)

Reflecting shield (+5% hostile effect resistance)

Clover boots (+3 luck)

Ceremonial leggings (+2 to resistance) (If you used the kill-your-character-while-wearing-all-the-ceremonial-items cheat after the Fang Clan testing)

Drakeskin shield (+10% fire resistance) (If you promptly murdered Elder Mhrrorr after completing the Fang Clan Testing)


Refer to Synergy's Item List for locations.


Don't forget that you can buy 3 levels of resistance from Foramon in Exodus, and that luck also helps with resistances.I understand that Prismatic Shield also protects against elements, so you may want to give it a try. Lastly, don't forget to Augment before the dungeon.


I don't know your party set-up, but I would suggest the usual haste/bless, then send out 2 of your most protected characters, while keeping your healer(s)/poorly protected characters behind, out of range if possible. Try to close with the ranged enemy units as quickly as possible as this will cause them to use their puny melee attack. Closing is not always possible, but use your spell casters to heal at the end of every round and you should be fine. Don't let weak characters fight, even from a distance, as this will draw the enemy's attention. Remember that you can draw an enemy's attention away from weaker characters by attacking it with your stronger characters. Be patient.


As already mentioned, you should post your stats.

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Well my slith warrior has something like 48% fire, but apparently that's not enough :-)


Refer to Synergy's Item List for locations.


There are many of those items I don't have. Some of them I missed, and some I sold. However I did notice that I wasn't making use of what I did have, so I reapportioned and that seemed to help a little.


Don't forget that you can buy 3 levels of resistance from Foramon in Exodus, and that luck also helps with resistances.I understand that Prismatic Shield also protects against elements, so you may want to give it a try. Lastly, don't forget to Augment before the dungeon.


hmmmm. I don't think I've been able to get Foramon to sell/teach me anything. I'll try again.


g it with your stronger characters. Be patient.


patience and holding back the mage/priest was the key.

of course, I got through it and was really excited until I got to that damn prime sentinel. that thing was quite the pain.


As already mentioned, you should post your stats.



Is there some way to dump the stats to a file or do I need to type it all in ?


Thanks to everyone for the advice.


One more question. Let Sorengard live, or _try_ to kill him. I may have to let him live, because in my now weakened state, he destroys me...





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Foramon will train resistance only after you complete his Stone Circle quest.

(He also trains magery and magical efficiency, but those are both cheaper from Shanker)


Regarding Sorengard, apart from the quest-completion dialogue with Solberg, it doesn't change anything whether you kill him or not. He doesn't drop anything, if I remember. The choice is there for role-playing purposes only. So if you want some paltry experience, go right ahead and waste him.


Personally, I let him go because I felt he was right about the whole Sentinel thing.

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Foramon will train resistance only after you complete his Stone Circle quest.

Yeah small problem with that. I destroyed that thing, cause, you know, it was trying to kill me, so he told me I failed. Can't get him to train me.


Personally, I let him go because I felt he was right about the whole Sentinel thing.

Killed him just to see if I could do it - wasn't easy. I seem to remember a thread about NPCs getting all the summons they wanted :-)

However for story purposes I let him live, as I share your opinion.
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