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A6 - Can you sack Formello?


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Nearing the endgame now and going into Melanchion's lands and was wondering whether it was possible to beat the slith controlled lands, including Formello. Anybody tried this? Anything interesting to be found there? Just wanted to make sure I've explored all areas of the game, if possible?





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I believe there's continuous respawns, so you can never truly beat the town. Plus, I also read somewhere on these forums that you stop gaining exp, or rather, you gain very little per kill. It also seems, from experience, that they are certainly more difficult to off than the average baddie.


I tried to start offing the groups around the west of Formello near ... oh, crap, I can't remember his name. You know, the paintings guy. Anyway, I had already blown through most of the Slith Lands on the north and east side, so I figured I was golden. Nope ... had to resort to a restart to get out of there. They just keep coming and coming!


Could anyone else elaborate?


MissSea laugh

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They just keep coming and coming like waves of zombies. (Sorry Ephesos) There are certain places that respawn both inside and outside the south and west gates of Formello.


With enough patience and potions you can loot Formello and the neighboring lands. I did most of it one time or another to help Synergy fill out the item list.

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there's time between respawns but due those Sliths can take alot punishment its nearly impossible to beat those w/o cheating (I maxed all stats on my party and killed all Sliths at Formello-area and found more or less interesting stuff and persons (for example 1 General who had 2 demons as bodyguards could been quest-object but Jeff decided not to make it so))..

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The respawns outside Formello can be cleared by killing them once and leaving the area. There are only four (two warriors and two flingers) by the west gate and four more by the south gate.


Of course, there is also a large army at each location that is scripted to attack you all at once as soon as you are noticed in the area. If you can get them lined up so that only one can attack at a time - standing in the doorway of the mansion, for example - the fight is tedious but not terribly difficult (my singleton cleared the whole area on Torment).

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