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A6 - Solberg


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That thing he was throwing at the Hordelings sure didn't look like Smite. It looked more like an ice rocket launcher.


I just wished he had held back in the first couple of rounds and helped with those Horde Hero things as well.


The triad should really have let that Yassho guy run the show, he's given me the best run for my money in the entire game so far I think.

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There are many examples of spellcasters who have access to spells you as the player don't, which I presume is primarily for balance reasons. Kind of like why most enemies that aren't pushovers have anywhere from 5-10 times the hp you do; it's necessary to compensate for the fact that you're a person fighting a computer. As far as in-game reasoning, I have nothing on the hp, but the spells could be considered jealously-guarded secrets that were invented by that particular wizard (a well-established aspect of the world). Or it could be that you're more of a battle mage than a wizard, who trades some of the over-the-top magical power for the ability to not be blow over by a stiff breeze. I actually think that fight would have been more realistic and interesting if Solberg required significantly more protection. As it was, he had enough hp so letting a couple of the horde heroes tear at him for 2-3 rounds wouldn't do him in, which is not what I would have been led to believe by the dialogue.

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Spells: Many enemies have Aura-spells which cover very wide area while we get access to limited area-spells (of course we get 1 or 2 of those Aura-spells via Wands/Scrolls but not same thing).


HP: 1.2k hp is nice amount to make sure enemy won't be killed that easy (and enemy takes around 10% off from defender's hp on every hit).


Yea Solberg had alot hp left and was no in danger to die even 2-3 Slith Warriors (my fighters had their own dancepartners and casters did what they could) were bounding him and I healed him once (after dialogue) but on next round he did his spell again dropping Sliths health to very low.

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Originally Posted By: Serene Tempest
the spells could be considered jealously-guarded secrets that were invented by that particular wizard (a well-established aspect of the world).


Just personally, I want X's anvil spell. I covet it. He should give us his anvil spell as a reward. Avernites would be unbeatable with X's anvil spell.

But (sigh) I suppose the game wouldn't last as long then.
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