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A6 - Ozimus bug?


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I am doing the Saving Fort Dranlon Quest and have encountered the following problem. When I pursue Ozimus through the barrier so he can go downstairs, he gets stuck just at the top of those stairs and doesn't go down. If you click on him the message says that he is too busy trying to flee to talk to you. I have tried leaving the area and coming back, but he's still in the same place.


I cannot use the autosave as it does not go far back enough in time.


Any ideas guys?



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I did try and attack him in the way Lilith suggested, but it did not work. Funnily enough, I went and completed a few other side missions and then thought I'd come back and try again, and when I got back to the area where Ozimus was, he was actually waiting in the middle of the camp and this time when he fled, he went down to the next level as he's supposed to do and I was able to defeat him.


Interesting that he got stuck in that way, but I'm just happy that it seemed to "reset" itself after a while?

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Hi, first-time poster. This happened to me as well. He got stuck right near the stairs. When I went downstairs, it gave a message about him fleeing west, but he wasn't there, and when I went back up he was still stuck there. When I clicked on him, it said: "You can't talk to Ozimus, he is too busy fleeing" or something like that. So I forced a fight (using "f" key) and killed him with no resistance. It then gave me a message like, "You'll never know how this mild-mannered man... etc" and the quest was completed. No big deal but it is a bug...

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