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Avernum 6 v1.0.2 For Macintosh Public Beta


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Edit: v1.0.2 is now live. Thank you for the feedback!


I have made a public beta of Avernum 6 v1.0.2 for the Mac available. I wanted to give it two or three days to make sure I didn't let a corrupted file slip in there somewhere. You can download it at


[just use regular download page]


If you try it and have any problems (or try it any everything is great), you can always send a note to spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. Or just post in this thread.


There are a lot of changes in this version. A lot of bugs fixed, a lot of balance tweaks, and a few changes to make some regions less annoying:


* The game in general is slightly easier. Your foes will have slightly less health and damage capability.

* Fewer creatures cause ongoing acid damage.

* Quite a few early side quests are now easier. We like for a handful of the side quests to be challenges, but too many were too hard.

* You will now be able to complete the Fort Draco and Fort Monastery quests even after Levitt will no longer tell you about them.

* The Hirickis encounter will no longer get stuck and unable to continue.

* Resurrected characters will be cured of damaging effects (like poison).

* Some other balance changes and minor bug and typo fixes.


- Jeff Vogel


(Edit: 1/13/2010: I just put up a new version. The missing dialogue script has been replaced and a bug which made it possible for the Khrez-Yss encounter to get stuck has been fixed.)

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Yay! I was a bit sad about not being able to get into Fort Draco with my current (and first) play through. If I update, will it immediately be available even if the save was made on an older version? If not that's fine too... goodness knows I play each of your games at least three times. I think I've played Avernum 1-3 about 5 times each. >.<


EDIT: Well, think I answered my own question. No, I still can't get into Fort Draco. Oh well. I'll stick with 1.0.1 then on my first play through, I guess.

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