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A6 - Get Help for Silvar [SPOIL me, please!]


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I've been working my way back through quests I haven't completed yet, and this one is driving me cRaZy.


I know I've talked to Jasmine. I know I've talked to Levitt. I know I've talked to the Mayor of Silvar.


And yet, his quest remains on my list. Why, oh WHY?


The quest journal says that I talked to her in the castle courtyard. Well, I've been back since to look for her (no luck), and am not really sure which area is considered the "courtyard" anyway.



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Interesting, this game seems to have an unusual amount of disappearing quest givers. Wonder what gives.


I remember when Fallout 3 had the same problem. It was eventually discovered that they kept falling to their deaths due to poor path scripting or whatever. There's no falling in Avernum 6, though. tongue

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I've clicked every dialogue option the daffy mayor of Silvar offers. I *think* I told him about help coming, but it's been so long now...can't quite trust that memory.


I've been back to talk to him just today, tho. No option.


I'll look around the castle once more, and hear from a few more here. And then I think I'm off to the bug-related forum area.

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You need to talk to Jasmine before you get sent to Silvar.

Wait, wait. One speaks to Jasmine, who wants the hero to speak to Levitt. One speaks to Levitt, who sends the hero to Silvar. Jasmine is gone from the courtyard when one descends the stairs, and the mayor of Silvar doesn't clear the quest.

I'm just starting my second play-through, so I don't know if the bug will repeat, but I definitely had this trouble on my first play-through: not clearing that quest was driving me batty!
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Originally Posted By: Kreador
Did you tell the mayor you were there to help him BEFORE you told him that Jasmine had succeeded in getting them help and promised that he'd reward you?

Again, it's been SOOOO long since I was at that part of the game, I can't remember.

The only thing that would clear it up for me is a replay, and I'm just not up for that right now. Currently working my way around Formello, roastin' sliths.
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Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel

Wait, wait. One speaks to Jasmine, who wants the hero to speak to Levitt. One speaks to Levitt, who sends the hero to Silvar. Jasmine is gone from the courtyard when one descends the stairs, and the mayor of Silvar doesn't clear the quest.

I'm just starting my second play-through, so I don't know if the bug will repeat, but I definitely had this trouble on my first play-through: not clearing that quest was driving me batty!

I think you're our best hope, jlsgaladriel. I BELIEVE IN YOU.
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Originally Posted By: Gothfaerie
Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel

Wait, wait. One speaks to Jasmine, who wants the hero to speak to Levitt. One speaks to Levitt, who sends the hero to Silvar. Jasmine is gone from the courtyard when one descends the stairs, and the mayor of Silvar doesn't clear the quest.

I'm just starting my second play-through, so I don't know if the bug will repeat, but I definitely had this trouble on my first play-through: not clearing that quest was driving me batty!

I think you're our best hope, jlsgaladriel. I BELIEVE IN YOU.

The quest cleared when I did it, but I spoke to Levitt about Jasmine and told her I had long before he assigned the Silvar quest. It was the first thing I spoke to Levitt about. Then when I did get to Silvar, it was the first thing I mentioned to the Mayor, before I told him that Levitt had sent me.
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Help me, jlsgaladriel; you're my only hope!

I can't get involved! I've got work to do! It's not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. It's such a long way from here!

...I reloaded my endgame party from the last runthrough and went back to Silvar to verify: there aren't any dialogue options which would clear that quest. So it's possible to basically do what Jasmine asks, but opt for dialogue options in Silvar which lock you out of finishing the quest.
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Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel
So it's possible to basically do what Jasmine asks, but opt for dialogue options in Silvar which lock you out of finishing the quest.

Oh, boo.

I SUPPOSE it makes sense that once you choose to divulge who sent you (choosing between Jasmine and Levitt) then the other option would disappear...

...but would that mean that saying Levitt did NOT send you further mean that helping Silvar does NOT count with Levitt toward moving on to the Fourth Tier of quests (Formello/Manburner/No. Avernum)?

Or could he really care less, and you could get Jasmine and Levitt quests BOTH, but only in that order?

I need to let this one go, don't I? Stupid Silvar lady. *grumble, grumble*
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Or could he really care less, and you could get Jasmine and Levitt quests BOTH, but only in that order?

I believe that's true: one can clear both quests as long as one mentions Jasmine first when in dialogue with the mayor.

It seems to me as if that's a bug, not a feature: I wonder if Jeff might fix this in a future version, so that clearing Get Help for Silvar isn't dependent on dialogue order when speaking to the mayor?
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