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Avernum 6 Inconsistencies


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Hi everyone. As the topic name might suggest, this topic is about the possible inconsistencies that appear in Avernum 6 in comparison to the rest of the series (and possibly discovering the answer to these inconsistencies). Here's some things I've been wondering:


Why is the Undead Spiral active in Avernum 6? I thought all the adventurers in Avernum 2 sanctified it and purged all the evil ambient energy that created all the undead. Did something happen in Avernum 4 that re-activated the spiral?


Whatever happened to Fort Ganrick? It seemed to have disappeared in Avernum 4.

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Undead (Mertis) Spiral always has re-activated in every Avernum game, but in A6 it was quieter than the previous games.


Fort Ganrick was removed in A4 as well as some of the other places like the fort north of the Castle along the major lake opposite the Slith fortress.


Jeff has never been too consistent with some things like terrain.


Mostly it's the timeline since A6 is supposed to be 30 some years after A4. The Time of Shades is mentioned and some NPCs have returned from that period.

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Some forts are temporary. They're there to deal with a threat. In particular, those are the ones that aren't also functioning towns.


—Alorael, who is somewhat surprised Fort Dranlon has survived. It never had much industry or many non-military inhabitants. It's in the middle of Avernum. It really shouldn't be a place that requires fortification.

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Fort Dranlon is a stop along the river doing north to Fort Draco. If anything it should be a town with a military garrison, not a fort. Fort Ganrick I think was there during the Empire War because of the Empire War. I hoped there would be more Forts and towns in A6, but there were less than others.

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1. The Undead Spiral has not reactivated every Avernum game. It wasn't cleansed in X1, so it only reactivated in A4 and A6.


2. Fort Dranlon is in the middle of the Caves, but it is on the side of the Kingdom. Although its original purpose of defending agianst the Sliths and later the Empire died out, the lands west of Dranlon were never settled or tamed to any degree. Although the undead of the Scree Pits and the Abyss and the giants were not quite as close by as the sliths/Empire, without Dranlon they would have easy access to the Eastern Gallery. Likewise it is a strategic position relative to the Northern Waters, which even in A5 didn't seem to be completely tame. And remember that during A4 the sea monsters were a threat, so holding on to strategic sea positions would seem quite useful.


3. Fort Ganrick was built specifically to deal with a goblin threat (which a party of six novice soldiers handily defeated).

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While there aren't games called that, the ability to play that and be recognized on some moral axis has become a selling point of many big-name RPGs these days.


—Alorael, who doesn't understand. Running around and slaughtering innocents has been a staple of roleplaying since Ultima III at least. (And, incidentally, Ultima IV subverts the need to run around slaughtering things entirely.)

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